//------------------------------// // existential dread was instilled upon all of Equestria because of Kurzgesagt? // Story: What If... // by TheMajorTechie //------------------------------// Celestia rocked back and forth in fetal position. "The birds say that time is up. The birds say that time is up. The birds say that time is--" "SNAP OUT OF IT, CELLY!" Luna slapped her sister. "It's a single video about the heat death of the universe! We still have plenty of time 'til then!" "But what if heat death has already come and gone, and we live among the remnants of the dead time and space that envelops the cosmos? What if we are but Boltzmann brains, drifting forever onward into infinite obscurity?" Luna opened a curtain. Outside, ponies were screaming about the end times. As they do. She decided that enough was enough and went back to playing her vidya gaems, 'cause apparently nothing mattered anymore in the encroaching heat death of the universe.