What If...

by TheMajorTechie

everything in Equestria was hampter powered?


"Sister dearest Celestia!" Luna shouted from her room, "Do you have any more hampters?"

Celestia poked her head through the doorway. "Don't you mean hamsters?"

Luna shook her head. "No. Hampters. Like hamsters, but with a 'p' instead of an extra 's'."

Celestia looked at the sleeping hampster in the hamster wheel powering Luna's vidya game console. "You already have one, sister."

"But that's not a hampter, it's a hamster!"

"You... suggest that I put the 'p' in the hamster, then?"


Celestia turned away, whistling. Meanwhile, the hamster woke up and started running again.

"Oh, the hamster turned back into a hampter. Nevermind."