What If...

by TheMajorTechie

Celestia was a Jedi master?

"You are on this council," Master Celestia paused, staring into Twilakin Sparkwalker's eyes. "But we do not grant you the rank of master."

"Fine then, I'll go ask Chancellor Sombra to help me instead!"

Celestia leaned in close to Grand Master Ponkda. "Lolwut."

"He has control over the senate and the courts, he's too dangerous to be left alive!" Celestia shouted back. Twilakin's eyes simmered with rage.

"I'm too weak, uh-don't kill me! Please!" Sombra pleaded. "Twilakin, these Jedi are betraying the Republic! They've started a quesadilla factory and refuse to shut it down!"

Celestia's lightsaber clattered to the floor as she was banished to the sun with an unceremonious poof.