What If...

by TheMajorTechie

man door hand hook car door?


"Go fish."

Spike drew a card.

"Door?" Twilight raised a brow from behind her cards.

"Nope. Go fish."


Twilight rolled her eyes and tossed a card across the table. Spike grinned.


Another card.

"Car door?"

One more card. Spike set a book on the table with a wide grin.

"MAN DOOR HAND HOOK CAR DOOR!" Pinkie screamed, falling through the ceiling. "MAN DOOR HAND HOOK CAR DOOR!"

"Well gee, Pinkie, way to ruin the game." Twilight tossed all her cards in the air. "You lose too, Spike."

A man at the car door with a hook for a hand peered through the window because it turns out that they were all on a van the entire time and Pinkie had just torn her way through the roof to warn Twi and Spike.

"Hello there, young lady!" the man with a hook for a hand waved, his voice muffled by the closed window.

Unbeknownst to him, a baseball bat had floated out from underneath the van.

It is said that his scream could be heard for miles around as he soared into the horizon.