• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 3rd, 2014

Gylden Glor

My name used to be Gylden Glør, but I got sick of typing the ø in.


Overall, it's just like the short description says. It's just the random ideas I get for stories, most of them include a human in Equestria, some of them include the other way around, while some of them are just the shenanigans of the ponies to the extreme! (By the way, I spelled the word shenanigans right on my first try: no red lines underneath it :P)
Anyway, I'll probably never 'complete' these stories, and more likely than not, I won't follow them through with actual stories.
But, if it looks entertaining to me (I'm the writer, I don't want to be bored when I'm writing it) I'll follow it through with more chapters, either in the same story arc or in the same style, and make a new collection or story. (Note: I won't upload any stories until I finish a current one. Collections will always be new.)

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 33 )

Sweet. But are you still gonna do my idea of some human showing the ponies raw human technological supremacy?

Can't wait!

Will it be coming soon?? :D

184278 IDK I need some random inspiration as to how to pull it off...Meh.

I just can't wait for another one!

Sweet. And you used my OC

Even cooler!

huh that was creepy strange nope all of the above

and wow more wow how did you come up with this ?

207258 Thus is the mystery of my brain.

207293 hmm well I can't say I haven't come up with stranger things oh well this is why I think every author has a screw loose all of them :pinkiecrazy:

207401 awesome we agree now time for cupcakes :pinkiecrazy:

207402 Dangit yøu uncøvered my §ecret pløt!
BTW dø yøu like høw I use the ø nøw?
Why did I u§e ødd character§? Becau§e, why nøt?

207415 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO TOO CONFUSING NOW HEAD BOMB 3 2 1 BOOOM DAMN IT I CAN STILL READ AND THINK, but no seriously don't use random characters all the time I literally had to reread your post

207435 Oh god no a crying fluttershy I forgive you just please don't use random symbols its confusing :twilightsheepish:

207435 :facehoof:I'm not going to ask...
So any ideas for a new SOTP?:trixieshiftright:
BTW: I like the Symbol use.

207644 I'ge been kicking one around...might just take Crown8's device...

poor pinkie :pinkiesad2:

253650 I'm continuing this in 'Discord, PhD.' Track that if you want to.

} Noooooo!
{ YES.
+_+ wow. You organisms are insane! Deajer, you're a COLD BASTARD!!!!
{ So funny. Really? Cold bastard?
+_+ Yes, cold bastard. What?
{ Ice magic. Thats what.
+_+ oh. Right.





321152 YEES TWATTY! TWATTYCAKE! dumoss. :trixieshiftright:


uhhhhhhhhhh... was this supposed to make me cry?
Cause if it did, it didn't really do a good job... neither did My Little Dashie...
Good day...:rainbowhuh:

322458 You are a cold bastard.
Almost as cold as...
The edge of a metal blade...
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ohhhh, yes...:moustache:


My Little Dashie did make me jerk a bit, but it didn't make me cry

And if that didn't make me cry, not very much will.

Here is a idea for a story, Pinkie Pie Headcrab..... do it...:moustache:

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