• Member Since 14th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen June 7th

Ether Echoes

A star drifting through the cosmos.


Law Enforcement in Three Nights in Manehattan · 12:01am Sep 24th, 2022

It's been a while since I've written Three Nights in Manehattan. A whole election cycle and pandemic happened between now and then - and quite a bit of education on my part.

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The Fifth Age - LotR Fanfic · 5:45pm Jan 19th, 2022

I've taken a brief foray into Lord of the Rings fanfiction - one set many years after the end of the main series in a time when Middle Earth is very modern and developed, essentially a fantasy version of the modern world rather than early Anglo-Saxon Europe.

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Them Signed Copy Deadline Extended · 11:13pm Aug 20th, 2021

Per request, I'm extending the order deadline for signed copies of Them until Friday next week.

See the order details here:

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Them Print Run - Finalized! Order Details Within · 9:04pm Aug 16th, 2021

Hello everyone!

I am pleased to announce that I have received my review copy of Them and it looks great! My first completed fanfiction novel, it comes in at a comparatively slender 246 page hardcover. Unlike Pirene, I elected to go with a matte printed cover rather than a sleeve, which I feel like I should have done with Pirene originally to be frank, and this is what it looks like:

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Lost One of my Nine Lives · 7:23pm May 1st, 2021

Nearly got killed in an elevator today. Very first day of moving into a new building. We are definitely not staying.

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Them Print Run Interest Check · 6:40am Apr 27th, 2021

Wow, Them. When was the last time I brought up that blast from the past?

Technically the first full-length novel I ever completed, some people have asked me for a print run edition, and I wanted to see who all might be interested still. It would have a custom, commissioned cover, like all of my stuff.

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New Moon has Two Faces Chapter Incoming · 6:23am Apr 27th, 2021

Good news! The Moon Has Two Faces isn't quite dead.

Between work, life, and an upcoming move to a new state (in two days!!!) I've had a lot of trouble continuing, but today after my sister and I exhausted ourselves I was able to draw a new chapter up while relaxing.

It's going through a final editing and review pass, but it'll be up tomorrow or the next day before we leave on our cross-country move.

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Friendship is Optimal Contest (Signal Boost) · 5:04pm Apr 3rd, 2021

I'm not a fan of Friendship is Optimal at all, but if you're interested in writing for prizes check out GaPJaxie's Friendship is Optimal Writing Contest (with prizes!)

Good luck if you participate.

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The Moon Has Two Faces - Delayed Again · 6:17pm Feb 4th, 2021

Hey all, been a minute - the last few weeks have been really rough for me, both because of external political reasons and internal emotional ones that aren't being helped by an environment determined to kill me, but I want to reassure you that the next chapter is coming along. I'm committed to finishing this story, fear not, even if it's taking a bit.

See you soon!

Report Ether Echoes · 275 views ·

The Moon Has Two Faces - Delayed Chapter + What Even Is Time? · 7:03pm Jan 2nd, 2021

Hello everyone!

For those of you who are keeping up with The Moon Has Two Faces, I wanted to let you know that the next chapter is still coming. We're delayed this time thanks to the holidays.

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Report Ether Echoes · 322 views ·