• Member Since 8th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2022

Hoopy McGee

Hoopy's just this guy, you know?


The beard of regret. · 2:34am Mar 3rd, 2022

This is a post about beards. Specifically, my beard. There's pretty much nothing else, so I encourage you to skip this post if you couldn't care less about beards.

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Heh, whoops... · 1:25am Feb 8th, 2022

So, trust me to do a big "I'm back!" post and then immediately disappear for a couple months. Sorry about that! The last couple of months at work have been a little brutal, there's some personal home-life stuff happening, and I'm just generally out of practice when it comes to posting. I'll make an effort to post more frequently!

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Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! · 5:18pm Nov 25th, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! And happy Thursday for those who don't!

Thus kicks off the traditional holiday season chaos! Get ready for the next few weeks to be filled with holiday music, Christmas specials, and constant reminders of various sales in order to encourage more and more shopping!

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I can see clearly now... · 5:25pm Nov 19th, 2021

First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome I got the other day on my previous blog post. I'm not surprised, this is the kindest and most welcoming community I've ever been a part of, but it was very much appreciated! It underscored for me how much I missed being here.

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The Triumphant Return of Hoopy McGee! · 2:46am Nov 17th, 2021

(Alternate Blog Title: My god, so many notifications!)

Hi, everyone! Hope you’re all doing well in these trying times! 

Well, I’ve decided to return to Fimfiction after an incredibly long absence. I’ve really missed this site, especially the community that resides here. 

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Sunflower hardcover book, e-book, and an explanation of my absence · 2:19am Nov 3rd, 2017

Hi, everyone! Long time, no talk to.

Before I get into the heavy part of this blog post, I wanted to mention that there's an upcoming hardcover printing of Project Sunflower coming up very soon. By which I mean extremely soon. I meant to do a blog post on it ages ago, and it honestly kept slipping my mind.

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Wait, wait... What year is it again? · 11:34pm Apr 9th, 2017

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted anything, hasn't it? I'd like to apologize for that. I have an explanation down below (spoiler! It involves depression) underneath the really cool Sunflower art that I forgot to post about back in... God, was it October? It was, wasn't it? Sigh...

I also wanted to say, if you've sent me something (via PM or email or whatever) and I haven't replied, please feel free to send it again. I probably lost track of it.

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Why am I Pinkie Pie?! - the book · 2:22pm Oct 13th, 2016

How's it going, everyone? I've got something pretty amazing to share with you all today :twilightsmile:

So, a while back I was told that there was a group of Russian bronies who wanted to translate and publish Why am I Pinkie Pie?! Not only that, but they wanted to illustrate it!

I was incredibly excited about that, naturally. I mean, what writer wouldn't be? I waited as patiently as I could, and one day I got a PM with the pictures. And they blew my friggen' mind!

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I'm back, baby! · 12:09am Sep 24th, 2016

New chapter of Project Sunflower: Harmony is up!
I've got two chapters of Life in Equestria coming, too, though I think I may have to wait to publish those until tomorrow. I need to re-work part of one of those chapters. This will wrap up the Humans in Ponyville arc.

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State of the Author · 11:58pm Sep 13th, 2016

Hey, all.

I apologize for my lack of updates, and also for the lack of responses to private messages and so on. It's been a really long time since I updated much of anything, other than a couple of Hoopy's Notebook chapters, so I feel I owe you all an explanation. At least, I owe an explanation for everyone following Sunflower: Harmony.

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