• Member Since 8th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2022

Hoopy McGee

Hoopy's just this guy, you know?


Rejected! · 12:36am Feb 9th, 2012

Well, I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that Equestria Daily has rejected my submission for Project: Sunflower.

The good news is that I got a ton of valuable feedback as to why that is (which is listed at the bottom of this post, in case anyone wants to see it).

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Report Hoopy McGee · 252 views ·

New story: Project Sunflower · 5:45am Feb 4th, 2012

Well, with much trepidation, I've just submitted the intro and first four chapters of my newest story, Project Sunflower, for moderation.

I really, really hope people like it. And, if you don't, please tell me why. What could I make better? How could I change things to make them more interesting/fun/exciting?

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Happy Holidays! Wait, what? It's over? Man! · 5:10am Dec 26th, 2011

Well, happy holidays anyway!

I had to skip most of the festivities today since I'm battling one heck of a cold. But having an empty house means that I can sit around and write like a maniac! So that's what I did.

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Avatar and Story Updates · 4:50am Dec 20th, 2011

Well, I decided to get myself ponified, and get an avatar up. I really don't have any art skills, though, so I used the awesome Pony Generator by Generalzoi which you can find here.

I know, I know. It's a little... blue. I like blue!

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Report Hoopy McGee · 189 views ·