• Member Since 8th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2022

Hoopy McGee

Hoopy's just this guy, you know?

More Blog Posts134

  • 125 weeks
    The beard of regret.

    This is a post about beards. Specifically, my beard. There's pretty much nothing else, so I encourage you to skip this post if you couldn't care less about beards.

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  • 128 weeks
    Heh, whoops...

    So, trust me to do a big "I'm back!" post and then immediately disappear for a couple months. Sorry about that! The last couple of months at work have been a little brutal, there's some personal home-life stuff happening, and I'm just generally out of practice when it comes to posting. I'll make an effort to post more frequently!

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  • 139 weeks
    Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! And happy Thursday for those who don't!

    Thus kicks off the traditional holiday season chaos! Get ready for the next few weeks to be filled with holiday music, Christmas specials, and constant reminders of various sales in order to encourage more and more shopping!

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    9 comments · 740 views
  • 140 weeks
    I can see clearly now...

    First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome I got the other day on my previous blog post. I'm not surprised, this is the kindest and most welcoming community I've ever been a part of, but it was very much appreciated! It underscored for me how much I missed being here.

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  • 140 weeks
    The Triumphant Return of Hoopy McGee!

    (Alternate Blog Title: My god, so many notifications!)

    Hi, everyone! Hope you’re all doing well in these trying times! 

    Well, I’ve decided to return to Fimfiction after an incredibly long absence. I’ve really missed this site, especially the community that resides here. 

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I can see clearly now... · 5:25pm Nov 19th, 2021

First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome I got the other day on my previous blog post. I'm not surprised, this is the kindest and most welcoming community I've ever been a part of, but it was very much appreciated! It underscored for me how much I missed being here.

So, I've known my vision was getting worse for a while now. It was pretty gradual, so I just put it down to a combination of aging and needing a new prescription for my glasses. After going in for an eye exam, the doctor looked into my eye for about a half-second before he mentioned, in a very off-hand and casual way, that I have cataracts :rainbowlaugh:

For those who don't know, cataracts are a clouding of the eye's lens that causes blurred and obscured vision. The cataract in my left eye was much worse than the one in my right, which explains why my vision was MUCH worse out of that eye. Also, I noticed that colors looked different out of my left eye, kind of dark and sepia-toned, like I was looking at everything through brown-tinted glass.

I finally had cataract surgery in my left eye yesterday. Since the cataract in my right eye is much less severe, we're dealing with that later. The surgery was an interesting experience to say the least! I was thinking they'd put me under, but I was actually awake for the whole thing. They numbed my eye and pumped me full of drugs, so it didn't hurt and I was pretty relaxed. But between the drugs, the light show, and the blurred colors (a disturbing amount of which was red), it was a very interesting trip :pinkiehappy:

I spent most of yesterday just lounging around, because the whole experience was a lot, the drugs left me with a headache when they wore off, and the vision out of my left eye was... not good. Everything was very blurred, like I was looking at things underwater, and the drops they gave me to dilate the eye didn't wear off the entire day, so I was very light-sensitive.

I got up this morning with the clearest vision out of my left eye that I can remember in a long time. Also, the sepia-tone is gone in my left eye, so I can see colors and light normally now! Everything is so bright, it's amazing. Now it's my right eye that has the colors looking off. I'm having some weird artifacts, flashes of color out of my eye and such, but the eye is still healing and that will (hopefully) go away. I'll still need a new prescription, but I'm really excited for improved vision. Kind of kicking myself for not getting this done earlier, honestly. I've been frustrated with not being able to see well out of that eye for a while now. I'm very interested to see how much better my vision will be once I finally get my new glasses!

Anyway, that's my last couple of days. I took today off of work as a precaution, so I think I'm going to go take a nap now. :twilightsmile:

Talk to you later!


Report Hoopy McGee · 1,436 views ·
Comments ( 29 )

Sheesh! Glad you've gotten good care. Now please get better fast!

It sound like you're recovering rather well. I hope you feel better soon and whenever you have your surgery for the other eye it goes well.

I remember when I had my laser eye surgery. They gave me these numbing drops, then propped my eye open like A Clockwork Orange. Then because it was PRK and not Lasik, they took a very advanced and highly technical electric toothbrush and ground the lens of my eye away.

Good times!

Yay, cateract-removal! Glad to hear things are looking up for you.

The surgery was an interesting experience to say the least! I was thinking they'd put me under, but I was actually awake for the whole thing.

When you consider that cataract surgery has, in some form or another, been around since 1750 B.C. it’s not that surprising that ways were found to accomplish it with minimal anæsthesia.

May your recovery be swift and smooth, the benefits staggering!

You were awake for cataract surgery?! Dang! That’s insane! Well, I wish you a speedy recovery!

Nice! I'm glad you're doing well.:raritystarry:

Oh jeez, glad to hear you're recovering well, and that you're receiving quality care for cataract removal! Hopefully the surgery for the other eye goes just as smoothly. :twilightsmile:

...Although I'd probably be mortified about being awake—even anaesthetized—with someone poking around inside my eye, even if it was for my own benefit. :twilightoops:

Author Interviewer

whoa-oa, you're halfway there! :O

to seeing normally again :B

Ooh hurray for getting things fixed!

We're all here to support you! You're such a talented writer; you deserve it.

Congrats on the successful surgery.

You click-baiting gentlemen, you. :trollestia:

Now this puts a smile on my face. I'm happy you're on the mend, just be glad your knees aren't messed up yet like mine are lol.

Getting older, what a load of crap, I want a refund damn it!

I think I'd give up hearing, smell *and* taste if it meant keeping my sight.

Being awake for that creeps me out, but I'm glad you were able to get through it fine. That surgery can help so many people so much. Truly a miracle!

my knees creak like a shipwreck in an hurricane

glad you're "back"

That's amazing! Glad you're better! :twilightsmile:

happy for you, man, and glad you're back

sorry for the cataracts and cheer for the sucessful operation:scootangel:

I'm painfully familiar with that procedure, wish you the best of luck with recovery! New glasses when it's stable and you're good.

With how my father lost his sight and how no matter how many procedures he had done it didn't stop the degradation of his eyes, the idea of losing my sight terrifies me. So much of my life is dependent on being able to see. I don't know how I would cope without it.

Hoopy! I missed your other blog post. I'm glad to see you're back, and glad to hear you're doing well. Don't push yourself too hard to accomplish things. As you said in the other post, the first thing is to get comfortable being around here again.

Holy crap, it's Hoopy! I don't get onto FiMFiction much anymore so I hadn't seen your previous blog. It's amazing to see you again, and I'm glad that you're (for the most part) doing okay. I'm glad your surgery went well. Hope to see more of you around here!

Yay for colors! Congrats! Welcome back~!

Good to hear from you again Hoopy! And it's good your eyesight is getting better too. Hurray for modern medicine!

A bit late on my part, but my inner snarky ******* just wants to add:

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