• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


A somewhat well known author, who is also well known for his inconsistent upload schedule. (My Patreon!)


Small Snippet For Next MFL Chapter! · 11:53pm Jul 20th, 2023

"You'll wait here and be grateful that I find no cause for you to have an accident creature," she said, sneering.

I didn't know if it was instinct or a mixture of my newfound magic or...or something else.

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Report Zamairiac · 784 views ·

MFL New Chapter Is Up! · 4:35pm Jul 13th, 2023

Told you I'd get it done!

Enjoy and as always, do let me know what you think!

Report Zamairiac · 313 views ·

Mated For Life RETURNS! · 12:08am Jul 13th, 2023

Finally, fucking finally!

I've finally managed to find the time to re-read the entire story up until The Abandoned chapter.

As such I now have both the information, feel and motivation to continue the epic tale of Richard and Chrissy.

Here's a small sneak-preview -

"What in the hell is going on here?" I asked, eyes wide as I took in the frankly terrible sight.

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Report Zamairiac · 461 views ·

Welp, I've Done It Again! · 11:50am May 16th, 2023

Yet Another Story For Those Interested To Enjoy!

This time between a temperamental young man and a feisty Goblin who become friends with benefits and try to keep it that way.

Emphasis on try :trollestia:

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Report Zamairiac · 509 views ·

It's My 30th Birthday! · 10:30am May 12th, 2023

I was SIXTEEN LAST WEEK, I SWEAR! :raritycry:

Report Zamairiac · 208 views ·

Third Original Story - 20K + Words!!! · 12:28am May 2nd, 2023

Remus Jackson was a businessman with a lovely girlfriend of eight years, Julia Hempkin.

His life was perfect. Perfect job, perfect girlfriend, perfect home, perfect love life.

Everything was perfect...until one day he just so happens to meet a unwell Wolf Girl called Lucy. A Wolf Girl whose current illness turns out to be something far more sinister then a mere fever.

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Report Zamairiac · 240 views ·

How would you answer this moral dilemma? · 8:21pm Apr 4th, 2023

"It's a tale that's been passed down by my family for generations," Falia began, her coils comfortably wrapped around my midsection.


Before the Merging, there was a very small Lamia village called Elinroot. One day an Elf entered the village with a sword in his hand. A single glance told the Lamia matriarch how skilled he was with it, and yet without any fear did she approach and begin to speak with him.

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Report Zamairiac · 373 views ·

My Second Original Story! · 1:00am Mar 25th, 2023

Turns out grief and pain make for a hell of a muse cocktail.

I would be beyond grateful if you could all tell me what you think. Hell, I'd even take ideas for another story in this universe I've created!

Click here to read!

Thank you, much love.

Kisses Xx

Report Zamairiac · 172 views ·

RIP Fleur · 8:43pm Mar 13th, 2023

R.I.P Fleur 2012 - 2023

You were a great dog and I never realized just how much I loved you until you died today. I hope that you found Logan, Darcy and Albus. And more importantly that you're no longer in any pain.

I love you sweetheart, rest well.


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Report Zamairiac · 356 views ·

Been some time eh? · 3:40am Mar 12th, 2023

Well, it's certainly been some time since I last visited this site for the purpose of a blog.

Life gets in the way, the mind becomes dulled and as mental illness takes its toll I'm sorry to say that my creativity died. My muse died, my mojo died, everything I had that kept me going died.

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Report Zamairiac · 739 views ·