• Member Since 8th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 15th

Sharp Spark

Nothing says I miss you quite like war poetry carved in your door with a stanley knife.


Actually, on the subject of stories in other places... · 1:33am Jan 18th, 2021

So I mentioned before that much of my writing recently had shifted to positive stories with transgender themes. (Perhaps there's something about 2020 and 2021 that really gets me to lean into writing cute fluff, because the world isn't providing a lot of that right now) I'm on a private writing discord with some folks who write similar things, and this past December we did a Secret Santa exchange, where we traded prompts and wrote stories for each other. One thing led to another, and once we

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Report Sharp Spark · 391 views ·

Stories of a Different Nature · 7:27pm Nov 11th, 2020

Hi everyone! I'm not totally sure how many of my followers here are actually active, given that I've been out of the ponyfic game for... well, for years at this point.

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Report Sharp Spark · 544 views ·

Leftover Books! · 7:58pm Aug 7th, 2019

Bronycon was tremendously, tremendously fun - and I think I already am suffering from a bit of post-con ennui. I wish I could pack up and head back and do it all over again next weekend. There are too many folks to name, and I'm paranoid about leaving anyone out, but... Basically, it was wonderful to get to see so many friends, whether I have known them for years or got to meet them for the first time.

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Report Sharp Spark · 668 views ·

Bronycon! · 4:05pm Aug 1st, 2019

So, I'm at this thing. Already escaped from a room and everything.

If you see me, say hi! But I have no idea what I'm doing most of the con, except one thing: Friday morning I'll be at the bookstore booth in the marketplace. So stop by then if you want a copy of my book and want me to sign it too! (All three of you who want it or whatever, heh)

Report Sharp Spark · 326 views ·

Book Announcement + BronyCon 2019 · 6:56pm Jun 11th, 2019

Hello everyone!

I'm delighted to announce that I will be publishing a collection of my stories with Ponyfeather Publishing! Importantly, you'll even be able to get a copy at BronyCon this year! (As well as ordering digital or print copies through the website at a later future date) I'll be in attendance too, so if you track me down I'd love to say hi and talk about whatever. :twilightsmile:

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BronyCon 2018 · 6:52pm Jul 16th, 2018

I'll be there, I guess?

All blame should be directed squarely at Haze and Exuno.

Report Sharp Spark · 364 views ·

No, I'm Still Dead, But... · 3:01am Aug 5th, 2017

There might be some words coming in the near future, as I participated in a Writeoff again. Keep an eye out over the next week, though no guarantee that they're not strange or silly. Not sure if this will wind up in Spark Notes or in a new place all to it's own... We'll see.

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Report Sharp Spark · 545 views ·

So Long, and Thanks for All the Ponies · 8:14pm Jan 8th, 2016

I suppose it's not particularly unexpected, but I'd like to more officially announce that I'm retiring from ponies. It's been a long time since I've had the opportunity or inclination to write ponyfic, and I don't particularly expect either of those things to change in the future. My enthusiasm has waned for the show, and this isn't a sudden or new change. For quite some time, the only thing really keeping me going was this site, and the supportive culture here.

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Fairy Tales · 7:09am Dec 1st, 2015

Hello! As just a quick signal boost, I'd like to note that I put another chapter in Spark Notes up. It's a leftover story that I had written a long time ago when I was trying to put together a collaboration with some other authors based around humorous fairy tales.

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Signal Boost: Figments · 1:58am Aug 12th, 2015

A good friend of mine is stepping into the ponyfic writing business with his first story, and I'd like to go ahead and plug it:

Figments, by Half Awake

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