• Member Since 8th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 15th

Sharp Spark

Nothing says I miss you quite like war poetry carved in your door with a stanley knife.



Minuette is determined to have a nice date with a nice stallion, no matter what that takes.

Twilight Sparkle just wants her to stop wreaking havoc on the time-space continuum.

Things get complicated.

Edited by Exuno
Preread by Barbeque

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 186 )


That'd be me overlooking the option on the story page. Fixed, thanks!

Bravo! Bravo! Excellently done! :yay:

This was fun, cute, romantic, silly, well-written, and creative. Thanks for posting such a joyful story!

Light and laughter,

I enjoyed pretty much everything about this

Poor Lucky

Ouch, 2d6 damage from that pun.
Loved the story. :heart:

:twilightsmile:The "Cadence" pun was so great.

I don't have a Top 10 list of favorite fics, but if I did, this would be near the top. I haven't enjoyed a story this much in forever. The writing, the characterization, the time shenanigans, Twilight's discomfort with being a princess, the confuzzled romance -- everything is an absolute delight. Fantastic work. :twilightsmile:

(Although I am obligated to be a little mad at you for completely squashing my plans to work on a "Minuette is a secret agent who controls time" story that's been sloshing about in my head for a while. I can't top this. :facehoof:)

When the smoke cleared, the clown was missing most of the lower half of its face.

YER GONNA DIE, CLOWN~! :pinkiecrazy:

I really liked this I hope to see more stuff from you.


Nawww, I say go for it! The world needs more Minuette having time shenanigans!

oh, hey, it's my OTP :twilightsmile:


Heh. Only appropriate, given that I'm pretty certain the original idea that I stole borrowed from a friend ended up going with Minuette/Twilight due to fondness for your stuff. It just took me a while to figure out exactly how to make it work right.

(And I still think Uptown Mares is one of my very favorite things and it is a shame more people have not read it)

And this is why my favorites page never gets any smaller. Good show, mate.

This is a fun story and it should be in the freaking feature box, instead of merely "Popular" stories.

I can't even think of a good joke for this. Have a few off the top of my head.

I've heard of bigender but this is ridiculous!
If only Rainbow Dash could see you now...
And Twilight's yaoi fantasies were finally fulfilled.
Minuette and Twilight were kicked out of the local LGBT organization for being too confusing.
Ten years later: "My mommies and daddies are Minuette and Twilight Sparkle!" "So Minuette is your mom, or..?" "Both!" "I think I need a hobby. Perhaps I'll take up drinking."

but if people read it they might want me to continue it


Curses! You have discovered my cunningly concealed plan!

Not if we're all too busy wanting you to continue Hoofstuck!

But yeah, you definitely get special thanks from me. Ever since the ending of The Way the Ball Bounces I've adored the dynamic between the straight-laced enthusiasm of Twilight and the playful cruel wit of Colgate, and it was a wonderful experience being part of getting some more of that into the world. I can't thank Sharp Spark enough either; you two are almost unambiguously my two favorite authors.

Minuette grinned as she trotted up, dropping her bright blue ball and planting her feet firmly.

trotted up, dropping her bright blue ball and planting her feet firmly.

ball and planting her feet firmly.

her feet firmly.






But anyways, it's doing a good job with the feels for a romance. (I normally don't feel much with romance, so you get a cookie.)

Drat. It never fails, there's always at least one little error that sneaks through! Thanks, it's been fixed.

2980987 No problem, this story was a great read. Even for romance-y stuff. :rainbowwild:

(Case you can't tell, I'm not normally a romance kinda guy, sappy stuffs bleh. :rainbowwild: But I liked this. :raritywink:)

So I liked this whole thing, but the series of failed dates at the beginning was just clutch. Caramel is such a dick.

Here are some words on the things I liked about your story.
The setup of Minuette's hilariously failed dates to show her exasperation.
The way you captured Twilight's "makes-sense-to-her" logic.
Twilight's awareness that things were about to get really weird.
The entire date. Was part of a scene from Happy Gilmore?
Twilight feeling like complete garbage when she got "found out".
Needless to say, I put this fic on my high tier list.
I look forward to you publishing other stories for our reasonable enjoyment.
The only thing I felt this story could use more of is seeing more of Minuette's perspective during the important date.

I guess Time is unicorn-y.

This entire scene was just remarkable. I loved the bit about death. You sir, deserve the highest of fives.

Holy cow this story is awesome! It's all well paced, te humor is all great, and for the first time in a while, I was thinking "kissherkissherkissher" in my head.

Silly Twilight! :rainbowlaugh: You're worrying over nothing yet again! If there really WAS a problem, Doctor Whooves would have been all over it in no time! :pinkiecrazy:

Pfft. Oh this is going to be *GOOD* *Fetches popcorn.*

*Grins and applauds* /very sweet and silly fun. The final chapter to me was the weakest of the two for a couple reasons. One. It's really not explained how long they've been together, it feels like it's been a while but then the book implies it's only the day after. As well it wasn't made clear that Twi was a stallion other than through pronouns which made it a bit disconcerting at first. Cute either way and definitely a spot on my faves list.

That was a nice, cute little story. I don't read too many simple ship fics but this one was really enjoyable :twilightsmile:

Nice work Sharp.

This story was very well balanced with emotion and amusement; plus, it was believable, as well.

Great little ship fic. I will definitely read the other continuation story.

Bravo on making the Mustache spell into a brick joke.

Do I foresee shenanigans?

Why, I think I do.

Anyway, I've gotta say that the bit with... "Hugh" was amazing. Got a really good laugh out of that.



Why struggle with trying to express it myself if someone already did?

Lol, this story is definitely going in my favorites. It's nice to see a shipping fic that's so... different. At least in who Twilight/a Mane Six pony is paired with. And just... Yeah. All of my Favorite.

...There's more?

I love you.

...And... I wish I had or knew of more to say. My failure to describe stories I really like often frustrates me, but bah. I loved this story, and I'm happy that there's more to read. And stuff...

If she couldn’t find a stallion, well, she would make one.

"If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead!"

Minuette looked skeptical, but softened at Twilight’s hopeful expression. She put her hoof to her chin, musing. “Okay, um... Time is like... like...”
“A wheel?” Twilight offered. “A tapestry? A big ball of—”
“No, no, no.” Minuette sighed. “Time is like a kumquat.”
“A kumquat,” Twilight said, flatly.
“Yeah,” Minuette said. “It’s sort of fuzzy when you look at it from the outside, not to mention brown-ish. No one really understands how the thing works, but it’s fun to talk about. You really only stop to consider it in detail when you hit an unexpected piece in your salad – you know, metaphorically when it surprises you for either good or bad. Also, it tastes like citrus.”
Twilight’s mouth fell open at the explanation.
He took a deep breath. “Okay, first kumquats aren’t brown and fuzzy. That’s a kiwi. Second, what do you mean no one understands how they work? They’re a perfectly normal fruit, grown on small trees in warm climates that have an appropriate amount of annual moisture. Third...” Twilight blinked. “Third, that doesn’t explain anything at all!”

Douglas Adams would be proud.

The end of the chapter.
OUCH. :twilightoops::twilightangry2:

“Where was I?” she said. “Right. My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I am here because I have traced a large amount of unnatural temporal distortion occurring today and I believe you to be the source. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Twilight looked up in surprise, noticing her surroundings for the first time. Undeterred, she frowned down at Minuette again. “Sorry, but this takes precedence! You don’t understand how touchy time-travel can be. The smallest change and you could set off a whole chain of— Oh, drat!”

“What?!” Twilight drew herself up and flared her wings out. “I am a Princess. I am trying to protect Ponyville, nay, the entire time-space continuum!”

Twilight’s eyes started glowing alarmingly. “I’ll have you know that— Oh, horseapples! There has got to be a better—”
With a zap, she vanished a third time.

10 bits on the actual problem with the space-time continuum being Twilight not going back in time to tell Minuette about the problem with the space-time continuum, causing her to go back in time to tell Minuette about the problem, thereby negating the problem, therefore nullifying the reason for Twilight to go back in time, which makes it necessary for her to go back in time to tell Minuette about the problem...:twilightoops:

Thank gods the mustache thing didn't stick around.

Hah. That's a funny idea!

I approached it more like Looper than Primer. ("I don't want to talk about time travel because if we start talking about it then we're going to be here all day talking about it, making diagrams with straws.") But I totally love really complicated technically realistic time-related stuff. I just don't trust myself to write it, so I'd rather fudge the details and have it be vague so I can have cute ponies be lovey-dovey instead. :raritywink:

Heh, this story definitely had its charm. Enjoyed reading it.

A mare over at the table next to them held her hoof over her foal’s eyes and quickly shuffled him out of the room, glaring at the both of them.

Minuette’s eye began twitching furiously.

She could rewind time, but she had the sinking feeling that she could never ever ever unsee that.

I don't want to spoil this scene, but it's the funniet thing I've ever read. I was wondering who this guy was. Dear lord.


See, Twi, the thing about time travel shenanigans.... If it's a problem, or becoming a problem, and there is a way to fix it, it has already been fixed by someone who knows what they're doing better than you do. Let time-warping dogs lie.

Silly and fun story. Slightly cliche - it was obvious from the start that Minuette would see through Twilight's diguise, naturally - but I didn't feel that it went over the top on the romance. It felt very much like two individuals who having a good time, getting comfortable and realizing they were attracted to each other. A very natural approach.

The fourth season better start soon, just so the writers can get a decent handle on how ponies will feel about their new princess, and how she will feel about it. It will likely crush several fanons, but that's nothing new.

Also, pretty interesting choice to have them carry on with the gender-bending deal as part of the relationship instead of going back to 'normal' and going from there. Novel. Hmm, I was going to elaborate on this point, but I don't entirely know where I was going with it.

Oh yes, and sadistic golf course 'obstacles' like that must always be destroyed. Good work, Twilight.

On his muzzle a fantastically lush moustache blossomed.



Oh geez Twilight

Everyone still seemed to be watching him.

I recommend a word search to cull any remaining 'everyones' like shown here.

Also, this is a great story.

“Pinkie, I saw you giving lollipops to the children at the schoolhouse literallythis morning.”

Well, it couldn't have been figuratively this morning, so that was unnecessary. I don't care what Oxford says, they're wrong.

So this is the best thing I have read since, hmm, ever. It was physically impossible for me to stop smiling, and you actually managed to make me laugh a couple of times. Really laugh, not just "heh, thats funny" either, more like "I have to take a 2 minute break to get my eyes to function properly."

So, yeah, thumbs, stars and watches galore!

Also, I think this is appropriate. Because kumquats.

This story has earned a mustache. :moustache:

:pinkiehappy: Is that an IT Crowd reference I spot?

3089577 It's colloquial speech. It's fine.

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