• Member Since 23rd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2023


Aka Swiftest Shadow. Ironically named with regards to my own writing. I am an editor for various works and stories. If you want my help with a story, throw me a pm and we can talk details.

Story Progress

Freeport Sulidae - Chapter 2
Draft Version: 4
Progress: 2/3 Scenes Completed
Refinement: N/A
Last Update: 2016-12-31


04/24/17 General - Am I really going to be uploading one chapter every 1-2 year(s)?

02/07/16 FS - Oh yeah, guess I should announce that my new story for the Winningverse Freeport universe is out, shouldn't I?

12/24/15 There is just something really amusing about struggling to write a breather chapter.

07/07/15 General - Ha, been neglecting updates here, haven't I? Well, I'll admit, RotS's progress has been stalled cause a whole lot of stuff had to be rethought (one might say I'm basically starting from scratch). The issue was that it was overly ambitious, and I couldn't hold the story together (i.e. got too big, and plot fell apart when I looked closer). So to those who've been looking forward to the next chapter of that story, I'm afraid you'll have to wait a very long time.
Lesson to learn: having a vague idea of the events and motivations is not enough. Don't start writing until you have something solid and cohesive.
So while I will/want to say I have no intention of dropping that story, if I'm to be realistic, it's on hold.
That said, while I may not have made any significant on RotS, I will say I've not been idle. Just been working on another story (of a more manageable level).

04/28/15 General - In exams. Almost over.

03/17/15 RotS - Possible reboot might be required... I realize now that there's a gaping plot hole in what I'm currently writing. Will be making a blog post about it once I've decided.

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Quick Update · 6:26pm Sep 11th, 2015

Huh, haven't really said a word on my page for a while now, have I?

Well, I'll just quickly sum up what I've been working on after the break.

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Report Swiftest · 416 views · Story: Rise of the Seraphim ·
Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9

Dangit, I must've missed that notification. :twilightblush:

1451503 I actually had it faved for a while now, but been reorganizing my bookshelves.
Nevertheless, you earned it.

Thanks for the fave on The Light in the Darkness! :pinkiesmile:

And now thanks again for tracking What's in a Name!

Thanks for the fav

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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