I went to BronyCon 2019, and all I got was this hat. · 2:02am Aug 7th, 2019
Okay, you all know that’s not true. You can’t go to a MLP convention without coming away with swag. However, I did end up knitting an entire hat while I was there (and you probably saw it. I was working on it whenever I sat down).
BronyCon was…well…totally awesome! It was also hectic, exhausting, and a bit overwhelming. I loved it, but goodness gracious I am still tired and I’m writing this Tuesday afternoon.
Thanks for watching!
I actually thought I was already following you. Glad I am now
Thank you for the watch!
I met you and Blazinginferno at EFNW this year, very briefly. Welcome to the herd and to FimFiction!
Congrats on the RCL feature! You deserve it!