• Member Since 19th May, 2018
  • offline last seen Jun 16th, 2022

Epic Yarn

Knitter of epic yarns.


I went to BronyCon 2019, and all I got was this hat. · 2:02am Aug 7th, 2019

Okay, you all know that’s not true. You can’t go to a MLP convention without coming away with swag. However, I did end up knitting an entire hat while I was there (and you probably saw it. I was working on it whenever I sat down).

BronyCon was…well…totally awesome! It was also hectic, exhausting, and a bit overwhelming. I loved it, but goodness gracious I am still tired and I’m writing this Tuesday afternoon.

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What? Who? Me? · 5:31pm Jun 4th, 2019

I know, I know, you all haven’t heard from me in a while. Unfortunately I don’t have another story for you (yet), but I do have some news. This year at BronyCon, bookplayer, BlazzingInferno, and I will be doing a panel on writing children and families. I gotta say, I’m pretty excited about this! You can head over to

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Bitter Onions · 5:24pm Sep 25th, 2018

As promised, another story featuring our favorite pony—well, my favorite pony.

Well, okay—my favorite OC.

Okay, okay—my only OC.

Soupe à l’Oignon is featured in this story. It’s another scene from her perspective and was completely inspired by her last line in Sweet Carrots. I mean, how does she react to Pound and Pumpkin? They certainly didn’t inherit Mrs. Cake’s hair.

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Sweet Carrots, The Last Chapter · 4:12pm Sep 20th, 2018

That’s it. It’s done. The last chapter has been posted. If you’ve been reading along, you should go read it now because the stuff I’m about to say is kinda, sorta spoiler-ish.

Did you read it?

I’ll wait.


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Sweet Carrots, Ch. 6! · 3:13pm Sep 19th, 2018

Oh, boy, here we go! Another chapter up.

Our characters were kinda, sorta in a bad spot last time. I’d apologize, but I’m just not sorry. Don’t worry, I make up for it with this one.

Last chapter updates tomorrow!

Epic Yarn, out!

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Sweet Carrots, Ch. 5 · 4:40pm Sep 18th, 2018

Yay, another update!

This one’s the longest. Although chapter 6 is only shorter by about 100 words, so…

Seriously, though, I hope you enjoy.

Epic Yarn, out!

Report Epic Yarn · 172 views · #memes #update

The Ultimate Decision… · 3:40am Sep 14th, 2018

…to change my posting schedule.

Sweet Carrots has three more chapters left, so it just makes sense to post three times next week. I think you'll see why when the story is done.

Therefore, next week I'll be posting on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You lucky fellows.

Okay, I'm going to go eat dinner…then maybe dessert (who am I kidding? I'm definitely eating dessert.)

See you all next Tuesday!

Epic Yarn, out!


Sweet Carrots Ch. 4 · 3:25pm Sep 13th, 2018

As promised, this one is longer.

Who knew baking could be so complicated?

Hope you all enjoy! I’ll see you on Tuesday.

Epic Yarn, out!

Report Epic Yarn · 201 views · #Sweet carrots

Sweet Carrots, Ch. 3 is Up! · 3:03pm Sep 11th, 2018

This one’s a short one (sorry—sort of). Actually, it’s the shortest chapter. All the others are longer.

Oh, and the cake Chiffon Swirl makes? It’s real. I make it and it’s delicious. If my week wasn’t already crazy full, I’d make it right now because it really is that freaking good. I’m not allowed to make carrot cake any other way. My family would disown me if I tried.

See you all on Thursday for a much longer chapter.

Epic Yarn, out!

Report Epic Yarn · 234 views · #Cake #baking #writing

Chapter 2 is up! · 4:12pm Sep 6th, 2018

Yay, another chapter.

Personally, I love this chapter. I mean, I could probably say that about every chapter, but right now I love this one. It makes me smile.

Besides, who doesn’t want an in-depth discussion about desserts? That’s practically Romance 101!

Until next Tuesday!

Epic Yarn, out!