• Member Since 19th May, 2012
  • offline last seen January 3rd

Perfect Prime

Saw a lot of FanFics on EQD, so I decided to make an account for reading them. Got my exams in a few days though, so I probably won't do much for a few days. Can anyone actually see this?

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Hello · 6:43pm Jan 25th, 2015

Hi everyone.

I haven't properly been on the site in a long time, occasionally I come back to take a look, say a thanks to the favourites I get and then close the tab again, but recently I've read through a few of the fics that I've written and put on the site here, and some others that I never finished but I wanted to post for your guys.

It's been a long time so I can't promise anything, but maybe I will be able to get one done. We'll see.

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Comment posted by UndeadSketches deleted Feb 28th, 2018

341589 Well, that is very nice of you to say. Just happy to make somebody else indulge in joy. :twilightsmile:

Sayonara! ^_^x


I saw it, thank you very much.

I will check it when I get a chance, I look forward to working with you. :twilightsmile:

Just sent you a PM:twilightsmile:


So you're saying when it's 4:40pm for me, that you have study
Well I can try to be available but I might be on the way home during that time.

I won't be able to make that time on Thursday though, I have badminton practice.

Next week is half term for me so I have the entire week off. We can try and do most of the work then.

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