• Member Since 6th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2022


If you're in need of cute and feelsy s**t, just call for Halp. I might stumble out of bed and write something that suits your needs.

Current Story In-Progress


Return From a Much Needed Break · 5:54am Mar 13th, 2018

Here we are again, long time no see (or read)!

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Report Halp · 682 views · Story: Speak From the Heart ·
Comments ( 7 )
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Hey! I just wanted to pop in here and tell you how much I love your story! I understand it’s marked cancelled, and I also understand how horrible depression and school can be, especially as a combination. I’m not going to beg you to finish it, but I want to let you know that it’s not some mark against you that it’s not finished. You made a lot of people happy with your story as is, and gave us all a lot of joy reading it. Of course, as BopNops said, it really was “TOO GOOD”, and as humans we all want more of good things, but as our technicolor ponies have taught us, being kind is its own kind of magic!

All of this to say: be kind to yourself Halp. Know that you have touched thousands of people and made us all happier with your work. It takes a lot of strength to focus on yourself and admit there’s problems, and I hope one day you can come back here and find joy in writing again. However, until then, know that you are cared for, appreciated, and that you deserve happiness :heart:

Are you dead? If you are dead pls say so.

AGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! PLEASE WRITE MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know a lot of people say your story is going too fast and I'm not going to lie it does seem like it but thats only because we want more to read!!!!!!!!!!!!. PLEASE WRITE MORE CHAPTERS THEY ARE TOO GOOD! honestly though I really wish this story was one of those ones that have like 600k words because so far this is the most perfect story on here.

Thank you! I certainly will, and I appreciate it.


Welcome to Fimfiction. :twilightsmile:

Let me know if you have any questions about the site. :pinkiesmile:

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