• Member Since 16th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago


What a beautiful Sunset.


Sunset's favorite alley cat has always been distant, only sometimes letting her get close enough to actually pet her. Not wanting an old friend to suffer out in a terrible storm, she's determined to show her a little kindness and a better life.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Aww, so cute!

For a first time, this was petty good.
I did not spot any egregious spelling
or grammatical mistakes either.

This left me with warm fuzzy felines. :yay:

Vera is so much like Sunset! So cute! :pinkiesmile:

kitty : D


Sunset Shimmer interacting with a kitty is always adorable.

And I do love the realistic depiction of her trying to calm the kitty enough so it becomes comfortable with her; cats are very territorial towards strangers, and I think you handled that very well. :scootangel:

As someone who has grown up their entire with cats, I really enjoyed this story with Sunset trying to help out the feral street cat before a big storm comes in as it's something that I would have done as I LOVE kitties!! :heart::heart:

The ones that I currently have in my life my practically my own children.

You do not chose the cat. The cat choses you. Being nice to the cat is a good first step though.

Downright adorable one-shot. Great use of the stray cat from "Monday Blues". Definitely loved Sunset admitting many of her own old issues. Of course, I have to wonder how Vera is going to handle meeting Ray (Sunset's pet Leopard Gecko in another Equestria Girls short who SHOULD have appeared A LOT more often).

It's been a while. So glad to see another story of yours. And you didn't seem to lose your touch.

Very cute. I love the idea of Sunset buddying up with a badass stray that she passes regularly on her way from her morning coffee place. In the music video, the cat has a collar, so you just know it ran away from it's home too.

As a cat lover, I approve of this story...😺

This was beyond adorable! If you ever wanna write some more stories with Sunset and Vera it would be much appreciated 10/10 story!

I love cats. They are literally allI draw. To the point people question if I can draw anything else. I love that one scene with this kitty and Sunset in Monday Blues. I loved words in general, especially horse words. Have an upvote. :heart:

Yeah kitty is safe :rainbowkiss:

Having rescued two feral adults in terrible shape who are now happy and healthy house cats, I empathize with Sunset. Thankfully in my case, both of them were quite happy to live with a hoomin. A few of the backyard ferals demand pets, but have no desire whatsoever to come inside.

Now Taoiseach Derpy and General Belisarivs sleep on my bed almost every night and often occupy my lap while I'm trying to work at the computer, and I'm glad for it.


I genuinly "Awwwweed" here. And promptly good an odd look from my Girlfriend. XD

“Once this rolls over… ah… you can go right back to it… ah… or… we could see Fluttershy… and maybe find a better place?” The storm roared overhead, cracking against the sky so often it felt like a war was breaking out. Sunset's mind started to think of all the wonderful possibilities she could bring, but the imminent exhaustion took up her energy limit instead. The storm forced its hand down onto Canterlot as if it was trying to wipe it away with a flood, or at least what it felt like through Sunset's ill-equipped hoodie.

Or even stay with Sunset. :ajsmug:

The arduous trek back to her apartment was only a few blocks but felt like an eternity as she dodged puddles and did her best not to slip, keeping her precious cargo as dry as possible through it all. Her boots screeched to a stop in front of her building's door and she fumbled around in her pocket with one hand like her life depended on it. Vera clawed against Sunset's hoodie at the sudden lack of support. Sunset winced at the gouging but soldiered on through the hardship to deftly swipe her key into the lock. By the time she could finally shut the door behind her, it felt like a monster banging at the glass as she shut the two of them into shelter at last

at last.*

Favoriting because cat. That is all the reason I need. >^_^<

In all seriousness, though, I enjoyed it. Thanks for writing this.

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