Relief? · 5:12pm Dec 31st, 2020
I'm writing this in 2021 apparently, still alive so y'all probably be fine, happy New year, take care of yourself and good luck
I love crossovers and this fluffy guy on my avatar
I'm writing this in 2021 apparently, still alive so y'all probably be fine, happy New year, take care of yourself and good luck
New year is a bit over four hours away from us (well from my time zone if I'm to be specific), will we survive this? If I do then I'll make another post so you can calm yourself or start to worry cause who knows what 2021 has in store for us.
Happy New year, hopefully.
Merry Christmas everypony, hope you have a holiday mood already cause I'm not, yet.
For the past couple of month, at least, Deviant Art was blocked in Russia, the site itself was working just fine but it wasn't showing any pictures (without VPN of course). I have no idea when it was unblocked but today it's fully working again and I'm really happy about this.
My parents are getting divorced, considering how "well" they were getting along the last couple of years at least that was inevitable course of action, I'm not really worried about this and I'm glad that I am cause university life gives me enough stress already. I guess I just have to wait and see how this gonna turn out.
I'm writing this in 2021 apparently, still alive so y'all probably be fine, happy New year, take care of yourself and good luck
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You deserve a smile, awesome possum!
Trying to spread more kindness around this site. Always here to bring the cheer. 😇💖
You're my friend-a-doodle now. Have a cookie! 🍪

Why thanks you for visiting my humble profile:)
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
That's a beautiful fucking cat