• Member Since 16th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 36 minutes ago


What a beautiful Sunset.


Sunset has reached the final page in her journal to Twilight. With no idea what to write on it, she has to think about living life without the guidance that she's relied on for so long, and possibly without one of her best friends.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

This was beautiful, well done

:pinkiegasp:IT'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy: I loved this story but it was deleted before I had a chance to favorite it. I'm so glad you reposted this, Holy!

Such a beautiful, sweet, sad little story. I've seen the concept done before, but never quite so well. Maybe a bit overdone with the whole "you're OUR princess of friendship" thing, but I can't honestly fault the sappy sentiment.


Now... where's the epilogue that shows us the last page? :trollestia:

I'm not crying your the one who's crying:fluttercry:

Aaaaaaand there goes my heart.

Huh. I was wondering what happened to this. Seems you've adjusted the scenario here, and I have to say that I think it's a great improvement. Establishing early on that there have been issues with the portal - and that they're trying their best to figure it out, but might be unable to - makes the premise seem far more plausible than the original version. The new setup does a good job of eliminating the more jarring issues that could take you out of the earlier version, and when you don't run into things that make you pause and have a "Wait, what? Why don't they just..." moments it really helps the story flow better.

And, of course, the most important part (at least for me) is that you reworked it to take care of those more questionable issues without sacrificing the heart of the story. Despite my complaints about certain parts of the way it was set up before, one thing that I definitely felt was handled well was the emotional aspect. It was heartfelt and sweet (bittersweet, perhaps, but sweet all the same), and you've managed to keep that emotional aspect of the story intact even after changing things up.

The first release wasn't horrible by any means, but it definitely had some flaws that weighed it down at times. Not great, but still good and enjoyable overall. On the other hand, I definitely feel like this release really lived up to its potential and made for a better, more solid story. Very well done, indeed. And I'm glad to see you back on the writing scene after the absence. I'm not sure what was going on in your personal life, but I hope things are going better.


Man, this is perfect,.. This can be written as the Movie Saga's ending and it would fit just right in.

Sunset needs to invest in some white out

PS. Could you look into getting a new linked journal for the next time the portal opens naturally? Thanks.

weird , I think I had read a similar story, but that story is shorter?
(That story is Sunset run out the journal? but this story Sunset still have last page..)

7561931 *you are
Uhm, have a tissue on me. I got allergies this time of year.


"Urgent: Send a new linked journal!"

The HuMane 5 saying that Sunset was their Princess of Friendship was something very sweet. You got my like and fav.

I swear I've read this exact story before. Same title, cover art, premise, and almost the same description as well.

I deleted the original and rewrote it.

7563287 Ah, that explains it. Thank you for clearing that up.

Well, this disappearing and reappearing has at least one advantage - I can like and fav it all over again! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks reply. Before you answer me, I thought I back to the future .. :rainbowlaugh:

She could always start writing between lines.
Or Twilight could teleport new book through the link between them.

Yep I honestly enjoyed this one like the last story I could see more chapters out of this, as always perfect waifu sunset is perfect I myself was thinking what would happen if she did make it to the last page, and being the EG princess of friendship? That is completely true for sunset. Again nice job on this story hopefully there will be more one day.


BRAVO! Also, she could erase the ink (there are ways to do that).

Seeing all of these stories suddenly, and all I can think is why don't they use pencils and erase what they've written?

well... it.. it hurt a bit to read, but i liked it.

The worry of loss of contact completely with someone you care about so much. yeah... I understand it. Well done here.

It's strange that someone who built portal in few minutes isn't able to build another.
They could also power up human Twilight. She thinks with portals or rather with interdimensional rifts. :rainbowlaugh:
And if they have it in family that could mean pony Twilight is super expert on portals too.

For the length, you did well with capturing the emotions well and for the most part grammar and spelling was spot on. It was a very touching read, simple but personal. Good job!

Twilight: 26
Spike: 0
Downvotes: 6 7

God dammit, Holy. Yet again, you've amazed me with another rich and emotional story.

Theoretically, using the spell she used to insert herself into a book, Twilight could use the final page of her book to send a new book through, using the exact same spell. Along with said "book-insertification" spell, she could also enchant the new book with an automatically activating spell that reverses the effects of the first spell.

That way, you could technically send anything through using the final book! :pinkiecrazy:

And now...

I enjoyed the original. Enjoyed this version too.

so what did she write

Never read the original so I'm a little curious to look at it and compare, but at any rate decent enough story. Though the absence of Sci-Twi, not even a token mention of her existence that I remember, felt very odd.

The feels were strong with this one and even though I would like to know what she wrote to Twilight I feel like this ended at the perfect spot. The princess of friendship thing was a nice touch, though I half expected Pinkie to produce a crown out of nowhere and stick it on Sunset's head when she had the idea. :twilightsmile:

Course Hasbro did this same situation in the right way. Have Sunset just go back to Equestria and get a new journal.

Twilight will have seen that their down to the last page and being smart like she is, would ask Princess Celestia either how they did it the first time, or ask if she could make another.


Sunnybun needs magic social media at this point. Nicely done with the emotional aspect.

You remember that night you stayed over with me while I was looking after Sweetie belle and her friends?


Oh man. I let this languish on my Read Later for way too long. This was exactly what I needed.

Yeah you do sunset :)
This was so cute! I loved it!

Sunset worried about having to fly solo, at least for awhile. Oh yeah, I can easily imagine it. Nice story.

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