• Member Since 7th Jun, 2016
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"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read"! - Groucho Marx

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The needs of the many... · 2:15pm January 11th

I'm starting to make some real progress on my story "Danger Close" (unfortunately I'm still stalled out on "The Blue and the Grey") and I've already got almost two thousand words into the next chapter. My latest move is to find a possible new use for Daring Doo. She appeared early in my story, but I haven't worked her in very much since. The idea I had was for her is to possibly pursue a potential gamer changer in regards to the Storm King and the invasion, pretty much a nuclear option. There

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Report CoyoteXray · 60 views · Story: Danger Close · #story thoughts
Comments ( 10 )
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Cool. Nice to meet you, Coyote

I appreciate your curiosity, but I think that I should leave it as Coyote Xray. It's an old call sign that I was loosely attached to from my time in the military.

My name is Wrex. What's your

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