• Member Since 17th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 24th, 2019


Hi! Name's Trebly. I love writing, guitar and gaming. Okay this sounds like a dating webpage profile bio HAHAHAAHAH Buuuut it'll suffice. :D


SuNata in C - Possible hiatus. · 2:43am Oct 18th, 2015

To whoever who's reading my newest fic, I am very sorry to announce that there MAY be a hiatus I will have to go on.

My graduation examinations are approaching, and my current grades aren't looking too good. So what now? I have to go all Twilight Sparkle these next three weeks or so.

Writing will most probably slow down, or if at worst stop completely until November 6th, when the examinations end.

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Report BluesyTreble · 346 views · Story: Sunata in C (For Champagne) ·

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Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

Thanks for the fave for Party of the Twilight. :pinkiehappy:

Hey there! Thanks a ton for the fav on PomE!! May I ask why? I love feedback!

Thanks for favoriting "Waiting for Sunset". Glad you enjoyed it! :scootangel:

Our paths cross once again, my friend.

Thank you for the fave on Party of Two. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the fav!

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