• Member Since 14th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen March 24th


I'm a longtime writer on /mlp/, looking to start converting my old greentexts into full stories. I mostly write romance and erotic fiction.


Pastebin issue and moving forward · 6:04pm Oct 26th, 2020

Hey everyone. Not many ways I can communicate with people directly so figured I'd give the blog posting on here a whirl.
So, some of you may know already that Pastebin has begun cracking down and deleting greentexts. Not just nsfw ones either, they seem pretty hellbent on removing anything that doesn't fit what they saw their platform for (saving and sharing code).

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Report Fizzles · 668 views ·
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Thanks! Looking forward to writing more!

Look forward to seeing your stories here!

Thanks! Kinda wrote that one on a whim one night. Still unfinished, hoping to get back to it when I have the time again.

WTF Fly by Wire is most touching silly thing I've ever read. I love silly things written well seriously. All the other plane ponies things are just planes doing BDSM to anon so I never looked into it before.

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