I've noticed on several groups, that if someone talks about something that isn't the topic or what the group is all about, then that thread will get deleted. I'm not sure if this type of groups exists, however, I felt like making a group, where you can talk about anything.
Either from movies, to games, to other shows, etc. You get the point. Here, you want get judged if it's off topic or its not MLP related or anything.
Fuck it. you can even post any story here that you want to or something.
I only ask that if you do troll threads or have very harsh threads, either don't do it, or do it very little, like from time to time.
Anything other then that, talk about whatever you want here, if anyone joins this group that is.
Just joining in hopes of finding someone who plays EVE.
Seriously guys, we'll take week old newbies even.
I'm talking about whatever I want. F
k the police!