Silence_EXE Fangroup 19 members · 21 stories

Hey there! Nice to see another fan of mine.

This group is quite literally for beings who are a fan of my works. That doesn't just mean my supporters, it also means it's for those who like my fanfics.

So yeah, if you like my stuff, feel free to join! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 101 )
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I too have a demon character
Her name is Havoc Neptune
She has eight deadly tentacles that come from her back
Her socks are torn and withered
Her eyes are pitch black
And she has a pretty unsettling voice
My main inspiration came from the Havoc Puppet from my favorite FNAF fan Game "Dormitabis"

Yah, but you were supporting me.

(Mistakes happen, I forgive you! :raritywink:)

(Y'know Rainbow hit me, not you.)

*Flugel drops to the ground with a thud. Flugel's head bounces slightly from impact before resting pathetically on the ground.*

*Rainbow.EXE, with an angry glare*

Maybe I should wipe your memory...

*The Pegasus Device shoots out, aimed at Silence, whom simply takes the hit, clearly more worried about Flugel than Rainbow*

*Flugel's chest shudders dangerously at first, but Flugel's breathing returns after a little bit, even if the breaths are far from normal. Rainbow is clearly surprised by this, and finds it necessary to take violent measures.*

Comment posted by WannaFlugelHorn deleted Nov 21st, 2018

*Silence gltches again, before using magic to heal Flugel as much as possible. Rainbow.EXE watches, amused*

*Flugel has already passed out, and death is closing in. Flugel's body is completely limp.*

*Silence glitches before bucking the tentacle away from Flugel and tenderly holdig Flugel in his front hooves*

*Flugel is close to blacking out, tears in eyes. Rainbow.EXE becomes a blurred before fading away as Flugel gasps weakly for any last chance at air.*

Given up at last? Good.

*Silence twitches strangely and something changes in his eyes as he watches*

*Flugel's vision dims around its edges.*


With you gone, there will be no more weak link for my son to deal with. He will have nothing to stop him from destroying all who oppose me.

*Flugel's eyes water with fear as Flugel gasps for air.*

"And what . . . will killing me . . . accomplish? Just . . . let me . . . go!"

*Rainbow.EXE laughs coldly*

Tartarus? TARTARUS? I RULE Tartarus, fool! In fact, I rule the ENTIRE GrimDark! And soon, I will rule YOUR world as well! And with Silence by my side, our family will be invincible!

*Rainbow.EXE smiles evilly*

And you, little Flugel, won't be able to do anything about it.

*Rainbow.EXE leans toward Flugel, leering*

Do your worst, my little pony. Call me a robot all you'd like. But in the end, I am stronger than you will ever be. And the strong will always defeat the weak.

So, do me a favour. Accept your fate...

*The Pegasus Device on a tentacle exits Rainbow.EXEs' chest*

...And die from my Pegasus Device.

*The Device wraps around Flugels' neck, squeezing tightly enough to choke, while Rainbow.EXE smiles at the pain she was causing Flugel*

I really want to disagree with you, but . . . oh right! I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE REST IF MY LIFE IN TATARUS!

I'm still new to all of this! Are you a robot, and not a cyborg? Because that would explain your lack of morals.


Why do I care, Flugel? Because he is useful to me. The most powerful GrimDark that has ever lived - with the exception of me, obviously - and the most dangerous.

If you were in my position - which, of course, will never happen - wouldn't you want this kind of power obeying you?

*Me, irl, still laughing hysterically at the prospect of us being in relationship, and how serious you're taking this. This is great!*

"Why do you even care what happens to him? If you're so powerful, you can just find 50 more like him, but loyal to YOU! Would you just leave him alone!"

*Rainbow glares at Flugel, before speaking in an ominous tone*

You don't know who you're messing with, fool. I can kill you easily. And just because you seem to feel the same about him as he did about you, he's going to be hurt more.

*Rainbow stabs Silence with a Pegasus Device*

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