• Member Since 5th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 30 minutes ago


Just a guy who found out that a show about talking ponies is a lot better than I expected.


Flurry Heart has grown old enough to begin attending school. However, she may have been spending a little too much time around her father, Shining Armor. She's been acting...different than the other foals during playtime. During a parent-teacher conference, Shining is informed of her behaviors.

An entry in the Shining Armor is a terrible dad competition.
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

Like father, like daughter. :rainbowlaugh:

"No, they shouldn't," interrupted Flurry, "but that ain't the world we live in. Sure, Aunt Twilight and her friends usually take care of the super villains that try to take over Equestria, but they might not always be there. We need to be prepared! CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"

One hopes Flurry doesn't plan to turn one of her classmates into a ferret.

I understood that reference

I was bothered by the teacher calling him Mr. Armor. Shining is a Prince or Prince Consort. And calling Flurry 'Miss Heart' is also kinda disrespectful given that she is a Princess.

The story has some similarities to my Play Date and Play Date Continued stories but cool to see the interaction of Flurry trying to attend a public school.

I don't see what the teacher's problem is. The way I see it Shining raised her proper, all things considering. She'll make a fine Tyra- I mean, Princess when she grows up.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: This one is my favorite so far!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

On the plus side, those foals who will grow up to be guards will have a one up on their training.

Ha! Drill Sergeant Flurry Heart, I love it.

Lol. Good story.

:flutterrage: Her name is ANNARCHY and YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE HER!
:raritystarry: Crystal did what's right! IT WAS A CRIME AGAINST FASHION !
:pinkiehappy: What's the big deal? It was only a joke...
:rainbowlaugh: So Scoots did what I would of done, Good for her!
:moustache: No she didn't burn the whole school down, She only scorched the ceilings
:ajsmug: You really don't want to know... Really!
:facehoof: and I thought Shiny has problems
:derpytongue2: I'm so lucky, I just don't know what went wrong with Dinky...
:trollestia: More cake?

Nah, that'd be the doing of Chrysalis II disguised as Flurry Heart while keeping the real Flurry Heart, shrunken down and podded, in a thermos.

I wonder if Flurry Heart will wind up recruiting a ponified version of the G.I. Joe team in the future…

"No, they shouldn't," interrupted Flurry, "but that ain't the world we live in. Sure, Aunt Twilight and her friends usually take care of the super villains that try to take over Equestria, but they might not always be there. We need to be prepared! CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Her last shout made Mana Surge jump out of her chair, but Shining had seen it coming, and didn't react at all.

thats my girl

Awww, this was sweet. You should (have?) submit it to the "Shining Armor is awful father" contest just to make all the awful Shinings look even worse!

I love the idea of Shining being the loving but unwise father who praises his child's antics as long as they are impressive. LOL!

This was pleasently amuisng!:twilightsmile:

This is easily the best “Shining is a terrible dad” fic. It was realistic without being over the top to prove a point. Simplistic and effective, definitely recommending this one. Bravo!

Considering the potential trauma Chrysalis may have left him with, what the brainwashing and such. Nah, I don't blame him. Doesn't want what happened to Cadence to happen to her.

Most amusing. I have to wonder what Cadence thinks about Flurry’s behaviour. Does she agree or is she resigned or exasperated?

Terrible? That was great dadding! All he needed was the inclusion of some groaner puns and a few more shared interest and he'd be a perfect dad in this fic.

What a good dad :)

The way the author made a wholesome father-daughter bonding story - albeit with facepalmingly "oh Shining, you goofy idiot" moments - is what makes this one of the more enjoyable stories of the lot.

Goodonya Shining!! Make your daughter into that yak warlord she was born to be :moustache:

Someone needs to make this into a comic or youtube video drama short story.

Flurry saying in effect "I could have murdered you for no reason and you should be thankful I was only going to hurt you", especially followed up by Shining Armor encouraging her, is really disturbing.

Shining is great no matter what, because he supported Flurry Heart. He's a good dad. I understand why the teacher tried to force punishment on Flurry Heart. Still, she must take care of all the students. But she seems to have forgotten that Flurry Heart is the future leader. This story was fun to read and your writing is so great. I can’t do that and usually pay for essay online for my assignments. I go to https://edubirdie.com/pay-for-essays which a friend showed me. But I really love reading other people's stories. It's like immersing yourself in another magical world.


Thank God I'm not the only one who noticed.

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