First Post · 9:03pm Apr 11th, 2014
Well, with some time to kill I thought I should write a quick blog post. I've been seeing this quiz going around and figured I should add my two cents in.
1. Are you male or female: Male
2. In all honesty, what kind of pony would you be: Earth pony.
3. What would your cutie mark be: Either a spoon crossed over a fork or a a short pile of books.
4. Where in Equestria would you live: Either Ponyville or a similar small town.
Thank you for making The Jig Of Life a favorite!
Thanks for the favorite on The Diamond and Her Dog!
Thank you for faving PFTA. I keep on meaning to go back there, but have not come up with a good story for there. Not yet, at least.
No prob.
Thanks for the fave!