• Member Since 23rd May, 2012
  • offline last seen November 9th


Previously known as ViperBits. A male "not-so-brony" from Ukraine. I will occasionally proofread and I can always use some help with writing lewd stuff!


First story, yay! · 8:43am Dec 19th, 2016

Before today, I’ve been mainly helping other authors with what little ideas or help I could give them. I proofread and edited quite a few stories, but "Web of Fatal Pleasures" is first story I was able to post on my own account. I would like to take a moment to once again thank Ink Weaver and Mawly-Maws for helping me make this a reality.

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Comments ( 42 )
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Hm? Yea, I commented on that image a while ago. The image is not mine if you are wondering, I might get depressed from time to time but I don't shout about it to the entire world, I am not that egoistic :D

That being said, I am very inactive in this community as of late... I've shifted towards general feral furry content and IRL activities instead of continuing to pray and hope that the shipwreck known as MLP doesn't f*ck me up and ruin things I like any further. A shame too, I've had many plans for further picture and story projects, but now I have far too little time and interest to continue them. Sorry to disappoint!

Did I just?.... https://derpibooru.org/1516423?q=depressed

At least your still active, I don't know how I find these things.

2459560 I found it last night and stayed up reading such a deleted story about Twi stuck in a 15 minute loop, lewd story but the end words from the author decided to do a Twilight (Ha) Zone thought experiment(?) type sentence that just bent my mind. Now everything is just Boomhauer for me, for a while. img.ifcdn.com/images/ef3f0ef7dfa2ae1418cbc461340367b2a66394dd12d12c0f30aa1f9b2c595cf5_1.jpg

God damn Boomhauer. <3

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