• Member Since 2nd Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen July 8th


I will consume any Twidash you throw at me. Also I’ve read most Twidash stories that have 70-200k words, so if you want to start a conversation about a Twidash fic post something in the comments

Famous Fic Quotes (Possible Spoilers)

“…What did they call them, Applejack?”

“They called ‘em ‘spellbound fireflies.’”
-bats (Spellbound Fireflies)

“As my world crumbles, as my souls bends
As my feet stumble, as my heart mends
My voice will carry far, some may say without end
And although I must pay, for the immense weight of my sins
They will know of my love, for my cries will carry
Carry through the winds
And I pray I will be forgiven, for I must make many amends”
-Surry (Our Voices Carry Through the Hills)

“As long as I am here with you
Nothing could be better
Life is good.”
-Quillery (Hold Your Color)

“Because Twilight had made her better.”
-Ardensfax (A Bluebird’s Song)

“Come back…come back…you promised…”
-PiercingZen (Tamed)

Blog Posts

  • 213 weeks
    Welcome To My Profile!

    Heya! I’m a avid reader and love me some good Twidash. I know, I know, such a simple ship. Just throw the main character together with a rainbow pegasus that claims she is 20% cooler or something and call it a day, but hey, you can’t blame me for just how well they go together. They say opposites attract, do they not?

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    2 comments · 189 views

Welcome To My Profile! · 8:31am Jun 25th, 2020

Heya! I’m a avid reader and love me some good Twidash. I know, I know, such a simple ship. Just throw the main character together with a rainbow pegasus that claims she is 20% cooler or something and call it a day, but hey, you can’t blame me for just how well they go together. They say opposites attract, do they not?

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Report NcF · 189 views ·
Comments ( 3 )
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Thanks for the watch

Comment posted by NcF deleted Dec 6th, 2018

Thanks for the follow

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