• Member Since 14th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2016



It's been awhile! · 2:23am Sep 20th, 2016

It's been a little over three years since I posted Fallen.
I had many kind readers encourage me and leave much needed advice. I had learned a lot through writing Fallen and much has changed since I began this story in 2013. I believe all for the better.
I had never truly forgotten Sugar or the rest of her story. Her entire arc needs serious reworking and revision. And now I have new stories, new worlds to share.

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Report omnom19 · 308 views · Story: Fallen From The Vine ·

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Thank you for favoring Millennium Wake, part II :raritywink:

I'm glad you enjoyed my little foray into the little world of Spike and Dash, Nom. I'm glad that you Faved Every Little Bit, and liked how they contemplated how their lives are similar... and, you know, their kiss!:moustache::rainbowkiss:

Oh, wow! Thank you so much for the Watch! I greatly appreciate it, and I'll keep doing my best to deserve it!:twilightsmile:

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