• Member Since 10th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen Jul 26th, 2018

Unfortunately Perverse

"We are perverse creatures and never satisfied."

Sometime you just need a little more fanfic, and if that don't work use more fanfic

Welp reckon that's that and stuff


That Feeling..... · 12:32pm Sep 17th, 2017

You ever get that feeling that you are so hyped about nothing at all.
Its more of like being super anxious or giddy all at the same time. Kind of like your doing something wrong and don't want others to find out.

That's me watching this site go down after noticing the decrease in writers.

I have been reading stories on this site since MLP season 1, but I never made myself a member.

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Report Unfortunately Perverse · 366 views ·
Comments ( 12 )
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Where there is people there are ideas.
Ideas can come in droplets or buckets.
Are you catching them?
Are they sticking to you?
The End

Are you still frequenting this site or have you given up on it?

Thanks for the watch. :)

thanks so much for the watch!

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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