• Member Since 14th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen July 13th


I'm an singer/actor/fashion designer in my own way, very multi tasking. There're a lot of shows I like, but MLP tops it all because it teaches me a lot of things of being a wondering friend to others.

Comments ( 9 )
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Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories such as You’ll Never Walk Alone and A Sweet Tooth if you prefer something darker.

Thank you for reading friend!:rainbowwild:

You're welcome besides your stories make me laugh and want me to jump in the story and be apart of the cast.

Thanks for the fav.

2829621 you’re very welcome, always happy to read such good stories :pinkiehappy:

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