• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 11th, 2023



Blueberry Muffins! Cinnamon Swirl! Adorable Fluffy Kittens! · 4:42pm Apr 24th, 2013

Twilight Sparkle stomped her way across the castle courtyard, fuming. “I cannot believe what that pony just said!”

Cadance looked up from the book she was reading. “Was it Blueblood again?”

Twilight nodded. “Ever since I became a Princess, he’s been trying to get me into his bed. Today he decided to enumerate the things he could do for me with… extremely creative metaphors. I think it was supposed to be poetry?”

Cadance laughed. “I suppose he can be kind of a cute little teddy bear.”

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New story · 9:10am Mar 24th, 2013

It's short, it's light, it's dark... yeah, it's kind of both. It's not related to anything else I wrote. Hopefully it's fun to read, it was pretty fun to write.

Spirit Tethers

Warning: contains a slightly antisocial Twilicorn

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So... what next? · 9:15pm Oct 11th, 2012

I want to write something, but I'm not sure what. The options that I've been thinking about include:

(a) Finishing up a non-pony story that I kind of trailed off on to write MLP fanfiction instead. It involves otters in space. Completely separate from the 'moon ponies'.

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Oh, you've got to read this... · 8:09am Sep 3rd, 2012

It's another 'rainbow dash failed the rainboom' story but it focuses on the characters growing up differently, and it's pretty compelling. There hasn't been even a hint of nightmare moon yet, but...

A Minor variation

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Option Delta... · 11:33pm Aug 2nd, 2012

Argh. Stupid brainworm. 'This Day Aria' is way too catchy for a villain song.

I was thinking about writing a 'conversion bureau' story where a lot of the weirdnesses and inconsistencies in the setting were explained by a simple secret that no pony is allowed to tell. But of course I started singing to myself...

This Bureau's going to be perfect,
the kind of scheme of which I've dreamed since I was small...
Humans come from far and wide
hoping to be ponified,

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These Dreams... · 5:58pm Jun 19th, 2012

So, I've been trying to write the next chapter of SCPP for a week now, and I've been forced to come face to face with an unalterable truth -- writing about mining with lasers is boring. (cue rimshot) Even if you have Pinkie Pie singing mining songs in the background.

I think I have the solution, though, so I should have something like a chapter in a few days. That's not really what this post is about.

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In case anyone's wondering... · 12:24am May 22nd, 2012

I'm on vacation from last wednesday until this wednesday and too busy to even keep up with fanfic let alone write any. Busy in a good way of course! n.n

Buuut that means Space Captain Pinkie Pie probably won't have another chapter up until next weekend at the earliest and maybe not then depending on how much of a backlog of fanfic-reading and diablo-3-playing I've accumulated. c.c

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