• Member Since 21st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen July 13th


Author of the Game Over series, including Game Over MST and its MLP spinoff, and the /good/ Ghost Trick crossover.

Running along the lines, the lines that connect fate.

Quick MST Gallery Links

Click one above to go to its gallery page.

I do riffing and non-riffing pony fanfiction. Here's the non-riffing stuff; riffs are below the blog.


I will not debate with someone who refuses to understand my position. · 9:04pm May 25th, 2021

I am too busy doing part 2 to continue reading anon reviews sent to my FF.net profile that have nothing to do with the reviewed story within the first five words.

Also if your fic uses the anime rules, why does everyone start with 8000 Life Points?

Report supercomputer276 · 335 views ·


A brand new solo riffing series! Featuring obscure crossovers, most likely, and other things that Fan/fic/ Theater 3000 doesn't run!

Episode 1: It's Time to get a Little Chaotic by Freewing Alchemist (crossover with Chaotic)
Google Docs

Episode 2: My Little Layton: Puzzles are Magic by sailor sunburst (crossover with Professor Layton)
Google Docs

Episode 3: You Look So Sexy This Way by Eddy13
Google Docs

Episode 4: Double-Action Starlight form by BioniclesaurKing4t2 (crossover with Kamen Rider Den-O)
Google Docs

Episode 5: Freedom From The Hedge by Kablex (crossover with Changeling: the Lost)
Google Docs

Special Episode: End of Ends riff part 1 by Tomhur, Renegade, Legendbringer, and a host of others
Google Docs

Special Episode: End of Ends Riff part 2, by Tomhur, Legendbringer, Purple Patch, and a host of others
Google Docs

Episode Y: Yu-Gi-Oh E-QUEST by Dakari-King Mykan
Part 1: Google Docs

Game Over Mystery Science Theater

The Game Over operatives get in on the riffing action! Watch as SC, Sparkz, Calcutta Joe, and 666 delve into the world of bad fanfics with bravado, snark, and sometimes lines that are actually funny!

If any of these links do not work for you, please notify me via PM as soon as possible and I will try to rectify the situation.
All DeviantART and Google Doc versions of riffs have comments enabled; feel free to leave one as the mood strikes you.

DeviantART: Main Line | Pony Line
MST Network: Main Line | Pony Line

Main Line (non-pony)

Episode 1: Spirit Trap by ButterflyBabyBlue (Happy Tree Friends)
Part 1: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 2: DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 1-2.5: Boonie's New Love / The Angel and the Theif by Kemetri Draken Jackkson (Lilo & Stitch)
DeviantART | Dropbox

Part 3: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 4: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 5: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 6: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 7: DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 1-7.5: The 8th World by Nukicide (LittleBIGPlanet) [[NSFW: trollfic presses all the buttons]]
DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 2: Look Alike by Taniciusfox (Klonoa)
Part 1: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 2: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 3: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 4: DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 3: Kirby Quest by BlueRetroPenguin (Kirby; co-riff with Niv)
Part 1: DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 4: Captured Nevah Story by Tails230 (Pokémon)
DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 5: Nintendo Realms by Wardogblacky (mass Nintendo crossover; co-riff with Twilight Midna)
Part 1: DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs
Part 2: DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs

Episiode 6: Serenity Kintobor trilogy (Mario)
Part 1: Iggy Makes a New Friend........Thats A GIRL?! DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 2: Bowdia L. Koopa's Birth DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 3: I Dream of A Love with you Lemmy Koopa DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 7: Liberty for the enslaved by IncredibleIntruder (Pokémon) [[NSFW: highly fetishy]]
DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 8: Gregory Horror Show - An angel's dark secret. by MegamanZXer77 (Gregory Horror Show) [[NSFW: futa]]
DeviantART | Dropbox

Offline: "<NSFW title>" by witchwind [[NSFW: disturbing imagery, radical feminism]]
Google Doc

Episode 9: My love scarf by Wish counselor (Pokémon) [[NSFW: distrubing imagery]]
DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 10: Nintenkingdom the Story by Ice Cherbil (forum fic / Fullmetal Alchemist?)
Part 1: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 2: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 3: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 4: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 5: DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 10-5.5: A Starfy Birthday by ChocolateBar2013 (The Legendary Starfy)
DeviantART | DropBox

Part 6: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 7: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 8: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 9: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 10: DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 11: Stranded by madeline313 (Viva Piñata)
Part 1: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 2: DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 3: DeviantART | Dropbox

Offline: Sam & Max: Freelance Lovers by CrazyCartoonChick236 (Sam & Max; co-riff with StrongBrush1) [[NSFW: yaoi]]
Google Docs

Episode 12: Parappa The Rapper 3: A Super Sonic Adventure by EAPyoutube (Parappa the Rapper / Sonic the Hedgehog)
DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 13: The Foolish Magistrate Censors the Internet by StupidSequel (Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat)
DeviantART | Dropbox

Episode 14: Rolling Up Greenfrie's Katamari
Part 1: The Katamari Victims Support Group DeviantART | Dropbox
Part 2: Katamari Doomsday DeviantART | Dropbox

Offline: bully beatdown episode 7. bluewind vs michelle by Tromsoboy100 (Bully Beatdown)
Google Docs

Pony Riffs

Episode 1: Self-Insertion is Masturbation by Guesswork (riffed with permission)
DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Doc | PonyRiffs

Episode 2: The Legend of Starlight by twow443 (selected via PonyRiffs' RiffList)
Part 1: DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Doc | PonyRiffs
Part 2: DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Doc | PonyRiffs

Episode 3: Caveat Lector by TheAuthorGl1m0 (riffed with permission; BLIND!)
DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Doc | PonyRiffs

Episode 4: The Legend of Starlight-Book 2: Love at Second Sight by twow443 (riffed with permission; BLIND!)
Part 1: DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs | PonyRiffs
Part 2: DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs | PonyRiffs
Part 3: DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs | PonyRiffs (coming soon)
Part 4: DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs | PonyRiffs (coming soon)
Part 5: DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs | PonyRiffs (coming soon)

Offline: How to Preen Your Chicken by Drakkith (co-riff with Draklox)
Google Docs

Offline: The Dread Pony, magazine article by Matt Labash (co-riff with Steventheman, Sigma, CartsBeforeHorses, Something, and StrongBrush1)
Google Docs

Episode 5: Twilight and Hitler Go to Hell by FlutterJack7 (selected via PonyRiffs' RiffList)
DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs | PonyRiffs (coming soon)

Episode 6: (soon, I hope!)

Offline: Game Over by supercomputer276 (co-riff with TheAuthorGl1m0)
Google Docs | PonyRiffs

Coming soon!

Main Line

Episode 5: Nintendo Realms by Wardogblacky (mass Nintendo crossover; co-riff with Twilight Midna)
Part 3: DeviantART | Dropbox | Goggle Docs

Episode 13

Pony Riffs

Episode 6: The Legend of Starlight-Book 3: The Good, The Bad, and the Trixie by twow443 (riffed with permission; BLIND!; co-riff with twow443)
DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs | PonyRiffs

Episode 7: Zero Escape: Friendship and Betrayal by Thecoolyest (riffed without permission)
DeviantART | Dropbox | Google Docs | PonyRiffs

For more awesome riffs by other more famous riffers, check out The MST Network and PonyRiffs!

The Multi-Universe Riffing Project

Fallen Prime
And also featuring:


Episode 1: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG: WORLD WAR 2 DRAGON by DarkDoomFireMaster (Sonic the Hedgehog / World War II)
electreXcessive, TheAuthorGl1m0, and Fallen Prime
Google Docs

Episde 2: Jurassic Park: Raptors in Love by Dogs Bower (Jurassic Park)
Atlas_Nebula, Fallen Prime, and Sigma
Google Docs

Episode 3: Ace High: Murder at the Inventory by MarioMaster2008 (Poker Night at the Inventory)
supercomputer276, Sigma, and TheAuthorGl1m0
Google Docs

Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

Hey, you still here? Love you ghost trick, NEED MOrE though please!!!!

it's been a long time since you published something for ghost trick, have you been having issues continuing or just too busy with the world?

Hey there! Just wondering how you're doing with the next chapter of Death Wish :raritystarry: I'm dyiiiing to read the next chapter! :raritydespair:

I'm working on it as fast as I can, don't worry. There's a good chunk of exposition and a fairly lengthy 4 Minutes at the end, so it might be a bit longer, but it's never far from my mind.

Any news on your Ghost Trick fic? :trixieshiftright: I really enjoyed the first chapter!

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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