I wrote my first fanfic in 1993 and have been writing every since.
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
I'm a strange and nice guy with a big heart :) I love to read and play video games. I live in Finland and do stuff for no apparent reason cause i am weird like that.... Brohoof! :D
A Brony from the first season. I have seen a lot of the bad in the world, but what I have seen this fandom produce gives me just a smidgen of optimism for the future.
I accidentally all the fanfics. No really, just another member of the herd who got sucked in by some good stories. Signed up for tracking and that jazz.
"Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia." - Kurt Vonnegut. Currently accepting commissions!
In my 30s, I'm a big reader of fanfics and sometimes I even write.
TwiDash it explains itself the best ship ever.... I like cookies! And the fact that you can change your name... Sickening
kinda a brony, i like the OArt, Fiction, OAnimation, ect but have only seen a few eps.
Don't do dark magic, kids, or this might happen to you. Fantasy fan, gamer, inveterate shipper, Flash Sentry apologist, fiction author - fan and otherwise.
We're born by the Faith, made men by the Faith and inevitably our nature is undone, by the Faith.
Equal parts fannish enthusiasm, ironic distancing, and pseudo-intellectual posturing; not to be taken seriously.