• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Comments ( 6 )
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Thanks for the follow!

2036770 Yeah, Sorren and I got into a pretty bad fight in 2013 but I thought we had made up. Apologies were exchanged, and we agreed to just let things go. Apparently he decided that wasn't the case. Still though, I'm glad you found stuff of mine that's to your liking.

Just logged back on after a year and a half away. Slogging through 2000 alerts, checking up on my favorite authors. Sorren says, "...is the Regidar-method of throwing low-quality fanfics at the wall...?" That sounded bad, but Sorren's usually pretty on point. Saw you replied, so I followed on over to your profile. Some of it was not to my taste, but some of it was pretty damn good. Gave you a watch so I can pick up new stuff that I like.

Hey, thanks for the watch! May I ask why you chose to do so?

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