• Member Since 4th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 17th, 2019

Dusty Sage

I've been writing online for thirty years. One of these days I might actually get good at it.

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Falling behind · 4:03am Dec 4th, 2017

I'm getting to the point where just keeping up is beyond my dwindling capacities. I'm not sure what's going on, but I suspect I'm not going to like it when I find out.

Anyway, I apologize for having been such a lousy correspondent this year.

Report Dusty Sage · 519 views ·

I am the very model of a modern minor generalist

I've been writing online for half my life, taking time out for meals of course, and in all that time, it has never occurred to me that someone might actually want to read something I'd written.

My range of interests may be fairly characterized as a thousand miles wide and about three-eighths of an inch deep. And if you ever thought it was tricky explaining your devotion to pony to family members -- well, imagine what it's like when all those family members are younger than you are.

Comments ( 162 )
  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162

Dusty, wherever you are, live long and prosper. đź––

Wherever you are, I hope you're happy and safe.


To me, that sounds encouraging!


Well, I've gone back to work on a limited basis, mostly out of the desire to keep the bills paid. I still don't feel so hot, but if the alternative is a complete absence of feeling, I'll deal with what I have.

  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162
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