• Member Since 4th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 17th, 2019

Dusty Sage

I've been writing online for thirty years. One of these days I might actually get good at it.

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Found 6 stories in 16ms

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The last of the TwiBrush tales finds the Princess and the earth pony together forever -- for certain values of "forever."

Chapters (10)

He was a shy colt, and she was the first filly who ever looked his way; half a lifetime later, she still haunts his dreams.

(Cover art adapted from this screenshot.)

Chapters (5)

They came from different worlds, but they were determined to be together, one way or another. This is the path they chose.

(This is the second story in the TwiBrush series, beginning with The Sparkle Chronicles and continuing through Somepony New. Cover art commissioned from Jada.)

Chapters (4)

He left behind everything he had and everything he had known for the pony of his dreams; but the course of true love never did run smooth.

(This is the third story in the TwiBrush series, which began with The Sparkle Chronicles and continued with Second Act. Cover art by *Spectty.)

Chapters (4)

Nopony knows very much about the afterlife, and all Rainbow Dash knows is that she wants to fly just one more time.

(Cover art commissioned from Jada.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's first love is learning, and always will be. But to her surprise, not everything that can be learned can be found in one of her books.

(Cover art by ~fajeh.)

Chapters (6)