• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 24th


I mostly edit things, and write things when my muse beats me enough.

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Found 5 stories in 15ms

Total Words: 8,858
Estimated Reading: 35 minutes

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This was originally written at a speedfic writing panel at Trotcon 2018. The prompt was Featherweight, Rainbow Dash, and the moon.

One typewriter and an hour later, left us with this.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is on trial for killing a student at Canterlot High.

Blame this on Bloons3

Chapters (1)

Humans aren't nearly as robust as ponies. Simple gestures such as hugs, pats on the back, and hoof bumps are all well and fine when it's another pony on the receiving end. With a creature a fraction of their mass, ponies often forget how fragile others can be.

A man reflects on his fragility during a routine checkup, and realizes that he might not be the only one affected by simple actions one might take for granted.

An audio reading has been done by the illustrious Illya Leonov.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle has always been different. While ponies around her grew and got their cutie marks, she remained the same. While ponies had foals and settled down into their families, she remained the same.

An encounter with a few neighborhood foals teaches her that, while she can't change on the outside, She can still be happy and make the most of who she is on the inside.

Originally written in a speedfic panel at Trotcon 2014 with the prompt "Sweetie Belle Vs. Fabric."

Chapters (1)

The party is over, and everypony is going their separate ways. Pinkie at first falls into a deep depression, but through the help of the Cake family, gains a new perspective about the true meaning of friendship.

Sad tag for the beginning, but gets better as the story goes on.

If only there was a 'Heartwarming' tag...

Chapters (1)