• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2014

Iron Revolution

I am a writer just starting out with writing pony fiction, so please bear with me on the quality of my writings.


I have an IDEA!! · 8:59am Jan 8th, 2012

Okay, I know it's been a while but please hear me out. I had a lot of stuff happen during the holidays most of it I'd rather not say what it was. Either way, I've put "The Dawn of War," on hiatus until I can get my drive back and think of a better title. But in the mean time I'm thinking about writing a little crossover. I won't say with what yet, but if I'm pleased with what I write, I will post it as soon as I feel it's ready. But for now, I have an assignment for you guys. As always just

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