• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2014


This sneaky fox, always clad in a blue mask and gloves, has long been a bane of unwary travelers with loose accouterments.


Happy New Year To All! · 5:02am Jan 2nd, 2014

I very much hope to be writing more soon. Right now, I'm in the middle of some editing of a yet-to-be-uploaded project thing. I hope that all of you are feeling great. See you soon. *hugs all around*

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Holy Hell, I Tried To Do Poetry! · 2:32am Dec 29th, 2013

Sweet Jesus, I just collaborated with TotallyNotABrony!d

*feels all tingly and warm inside*

God, I love being a starf**ker.

Her Butt Slammed Shut

Her Butt Slammed Shut

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New Story Coming -- Please Check It Out Now [Edit: Submitted Now] · 6:04am Dec 28th, 2013

Twilight Totally Titillates The Treasury

Please read and comment! *hugs*

Edit: After sleeping and thinking, I decided to submit it. Again, please read and comment!

Report SwiperTheFox · 808 views ·

Some Questions: Please Respond! · 6:12pm Dec 26th, 2013

Hey, everyone!

Happy "Boxing Day"!

I've been wondering something for a while, going over along inside of my mind during the months that I had left this website, and it's:

>What one single story of mine do you find most interesting or enjoyable for you?

>Why do you think that is?

>Is there anything that you want me to draw from this for the future?

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A Christmas Clopfic / Romance Fic Gift · 5:14am Dec 26th, 2013

Hey everyone! I got a bunch of presents that I like a lot, I ate some great food, and I was able to relax with people that I like! All in all, I feel great!

Also, this happened:


I also hope that you all enjoy this thing that I just uploaded:

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Merry Christmas to Everyone (And Please Help Me By Reading These Two IP Stories)! [Edit & Update] · 3:23pm Dec 24th, 2013

<3 Merry Christmas to all of you, my dear fans! <3

I recently passed 800 followers! It's so amazing that I honestly don't know what to say-- I wondered that from being gone so long that people might have grown to dislike me or just not want me around! I feel so happy that I was wrong!

*cuddles you all*

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Report SwiperTheFox · 670 views ·

Merry Christmas to Everyone (And Please Help Me By Reading These Two IP Stories)! · 10:42pm Dec 23rd, 2013

<3 Merry Christmas to all of you, my dear fans! <3

I recently passed 800 followers! It's so amazing that I honestly don't know what to say-- I wondered that from being gone so long that people might have grown to dislike me or just not want me around! I feel so happy that I was wrong!

*cuddles you all*

I hope that everyone has been doing well this holiday season!

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Report SwiperTheFox · 560 views ·

Wow! Swiper Is Back! · 2:47pm Dec 21st, 2013

Hello to all of my darling friends here at fimficiton.com! It's great to be back here as an author, reviewer, reading, and the rest! And I hope you're all having a great holiday season!

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Report SwiperTheFox · 1,060 views ·

Something Like A 'Parting Gift' Story -- New Uploaded Fanfic Thing (Please Read) · 8:36pm Feb 20th, 2013


All Good Things Must Come To An End -- This Time It's Final · 2:25am Feb 18th, 2013

Well, I knew this day would come. Someday, it would be that I've just really lost whatever writing spark I had thinking about these wonderful, magical equines. Someday, I'd just feel tired of it all. Someday, I'd need a break that would be more than just mere days or weeks-- going into months or even years. Someday, I'd be saying goodbye to fanfiction semi-permanently.

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