• Member Since 31st Aug, 2012
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"For fun" is the best reason to do anything. "The best" is the best way to do everything.



Twilight Sparkle got hurt, and Spike couldn't help her. Nightly dreams act as a constant reminder of the tragedy. He can't shake the feeling of guilt.

So when he's invited to a get-together with his friends, he sees an opportunity to forget. But it isn't long before the Everfree Forest's magic covers Ponyville in a deadly winter storm. With nowhere else to go, Apple Bloom is forced to stay at the library.

This is not a bad thing, in her mind. It's always nice to spend time with Spike. A little apple pie here, a bit of hot cocoa there, it could be fun.

Unfortunately for the both of them, life's rarely that easy.

Rated Teen for

Nightmarish Dreams
Relationship Drama

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 66 )

C-Cloudkicker has a thick accent?! :rainbowderp:

Just read it. Great start. Your knack for building a world in back story shines here, as usual. I find myself wanting to go back and read all the stories listed, not because I'm lost in the sauce, but because you reference very interesting events. but, not so interesting that I want to stop reading this one. I am very eager for more. How long will this be?


C-Cloudkicker has a thick accent?! :rainbowderp:

She strikes me as a born and bred Highlander sort of pony. :twistnerd: Good family mare, too. Got a foal or two on the way, though she probably doesn't know it yet. Thunderlane will be thrilled.


Just read it. Great start. Your knack for building a world in back story shines here, as usual. I find myself wanting to go back and read all the stories listed, not because I'm lost in the sauce, but because you reference very interesting events.

I've been careful to make sure that this is a series of standalone stories. You can really start from anywhere and not be lost (that's the plan, at least :twilightblush:). Still, it wouldn't be a series if one story didn't effect the next!

but, not so interesting that I want to stop reading this one. I am very eager for more. How long will this be?

Four chapters altogether. The lighthearted introduction, the heartbreaking midpoint, the low-key denouement, and one "Where are they now?" epilogue to tie it all together. Just under twenty-thousand words.

EDIT: Those pictures are adorable, by the way. :rainbowkiss:

Eesh, reminds me of last year's ice storm. The amount of trees and power lines that collapsed made Toronto look like a wintery apocalypse.

Good start. I'm looking forward to having my heart break, then melt in that order!


Eesh, reminds me of last year's ice storm. The amount of trees and power lines that collapsed made Toronto look like a wintery apocalypse.

It was inspired by that same storm! I had the good fortune to miss a cataclysmic accident featuring at least three semis and fourty cars by mere minutes. Those are conditions not worth being out in. :fluttershbad:

Good start. I'm looking forward to having my heart break, then melt in that order!

How would you like it to melt, then break, then melt a little more before being tugged? :twilightblush:

A dream opening to a new story, always a good way to show us what's on the main character's mind.

The tangible darkness caused his spines to prickle, as if he could feel ghosts of the past wandering through the night and into his bedroom. He shut his eyes tight and drew a quilt across his back. He knew it was silly, but he couldn’t help lying motionless, afraid of the attention he might draw from anything lurking in the shadows.

Nice description here, I've done that myself, I think everyone has.

“Uh uh. You don’t get the right to call me a lazy bum, featherbutt.” Spike went into the kitchen to whip up a meal for the owl. He set the prepared dish before Owloysius with feigned solemnity. “Your mouse-gut soufflé, Your Owliness.”

Good to see Spike has built a nice relationship with Owloysius. Makes you wonder if Pee Wee will ever be back, he's probably grown up by now.

Spike told himself that he was only a little bit shorter than her. Only a little bit.

Interesting. Are we talking shorter on two legs, or shorter on four? 'Cause I thought Spike had gotten to be much bigger now, with the punching bags sent flying and such. Maybe he's the Bruce Lee of dragons, small but fierce. :moustache:

It didn’t hurt the public’s opinion of Applejack’s status as mayor, that’s for sure.

I'd vote for apple pie any day of the week.

“You need to get out sometime,” Rumble said. “It’s been almost five months since, um…”
Spike’s ear frills drooped. “I know.”

Wait what? WHAT? Five months? That... is surprising.

“’Fraidy cat? Excuse me?” Spike struck a thumb to his chest. “Which of us is the world-renowned hero? Yeah, that’s right. The guy with thumbs. Two of ’em.”

Wait, don't they both have a bunch of claws? Would you say Spike is more or less dexterous than a griffon?

The sign above the door was a steaming coffee mug with the words “Keen Bean” scrawled beneath it.

This is where Spike and his five friends will hang out and discuss life in humorous half hour segments, isn't it?

Rumble’s mouth twisted into a funny shape. “I’ve seen you do CPR. Remember the dummy you punched a hole in? Don’t want that to happen to me.”

Man, forget the claws, who wants Spike breathing deeply into their mouth? What if he hiccups?

“See this? This is why we aren’t married yet.” Pipsqueak waved a hoof around the table. “We need this courtship period to figure out basic definitions of words and phrases.”

Oh Pipsqueak, you and your devilish Trottingham charm.

Who even knows where Snails hangs out nowadays?

Aw nuts, Snails is that quiet kid who drifts away from his friends after high school. :pinkiesad2:

a brown mare who vibrated like a nervous Chihuahua. Doreen Bean, her nametag said.

Is she.. from somewhere? I feel like I should recognize Doreen, but I can't remember from where.

Fluttershy stood at the front, a small smile on her face.

Wow, she's actually the leader of the Ponytones? Well done Flutters! :yay:

The fourth pony—Toe Song, or Torch Tapper, or something, Spike thought—already had their head bobbing to an unheard beat.

Ha! Now I wonder who it is, and why they left. Torch Song because she realized she was never going to get a stallion through the Ponytones, since she's cursed never to get a special somepony anyway, or Toe Tapper, when he realized he would never be able to tap his toes, since he has none?

Featherweight opened his mouth, and Spike almost dropped his drink as a deep baritone burst forth.

Ah, and the Ponytones have their baritone! I guess this is what Featherweight has been doing with his newly-freed up "Twilight Time."

“We proved kinda conclusively that ah cannot dance a step,” she said. She tilted her head down, a rosy tinge to her cheeks. “Ah’m liable to kick somepony sooner than later.

Poor Apple Bloom, she's going to need a dance partner with skin like tenfold shields or something!

“Well…” Spike ran a clawtip between his neck and the bowtie. “I do know this one dance. I learned it from the leprechauns in Lightninggale. Kinda silly…”

Leprechauns? Awesome! Wait, do they look like tiny humans? You would think if they did, when Megan first showed up Izod would have called her a giant leprechaun, and Andy would have demanded her pot of gold.

“It’s called… or it’s trying to be”—Spike sucked in a deep breath—“a leprechaun jig… It’s been… a while…”

Was this how Spike earned their magical charms? the ones said to grant great luck, and impart a magical deliciousness?

The door slammed open with a prolonged shout of “Everypony!” just as Fluttershy reached her high note. She screeched in surprise and ducked down underneath Sweetie Belle.

Baby steps, Fluttershy, baby steps.

“Thar’s a monster o’ a storm abrewin’ o’er the Everfree!” the mare said. “Et’s a fair heap more than th’ weather team’s capable o’ handlin’!”

HAHAHAHA. Cloudkicker must have just finished reporting in to the Mayor. "Mayor, my weather team's at full power fighting this storm, they're givin' her all they've got! They can't take the strain!"

She had cleared it off as much as she could, but the wheels kept getting clogged with snow and ice.

I expected Merry to pop out of nowhere, just to make a cheap shot about the state of the roads if Apple Bloom can't move her own cart in a little blizzard.

“Hay, we’ll make the best of it. I’ll brew up some cocoa and we can crack open one of the pies you brought me. Sound good?”
Apple Bloom’s cheeks grew a shade darker. She hunched her shoulders and grinned nervously. “Sure. Why not?”

Apple Bloom can totally hear Marvin Gay start playing in the background, can't she?

Overall nice setup, looks like now we're moving to more of a bottle-episode in later chapters, though a giant crystal castle is not the same as a broken elevator.

There's so much here that's unanswered, oh well, let's see how good of a story it's gonna be.


A dream opening to a new story, always a good way to show us what's on the main character's mind.

In my stories, you can often expect dreams to be a theme. That or time travel. And occasionally, time traveling dreams.

Nice description here, I've done that myself, I think everyone has.

Yeah. That good old feeling of something's there and it isn't good. Gotta love it.

Or, you know, hate it and want it to go away. Same difference.

Good to see Spike has built a nice relationship with Owloysius. Makes you wonder if Pee Wee will ever be back, he's probably grown up by now.

Pee Wee is most certainly all grown up now. :raritywink:

Interesting. Are we talking shorter on two legs, or shorter on four? 'Cause I thought Spike had gotten to be much bigger now, with the punching bags sent flying and such. Maybe he's the Bruce Lee of dragons, small but fierce. :moustache:

Shorter on two. Spike beats out the average pony for four-legged height by about six inches. Apple Bloom, as discussed, is almost two pony-heights tall. Ultimately, his muscle bulk makes him a good deal wider than the average pony.

Which I'm sure I'll describe in-story the very instant it becomes vital to know and not just background flavor.

Wait what? WHAT? Five months? That... is surprising.

Five months since the encounter with Hurricane. What's so surprising? Expecting a direct followup to be following directly or something? :derpytongue2:

Wait, don't they both have a bunch of claws? Would you say Spike is more or less dexterous than a griffon?

Spike's claws are exactly analogous to human hands, while owl talons have the extra toe on the back of the foot. Griffons might actually be more dexterous, since their fifth talon acts as both a toe and a thumb.

This is where Spike and his five friends will hang out and discuss life in humorous half hour segments, isn't it?

Nopony can quite figure out why Pip keeps saying "Cheers, mate" every five minutes.

Man, forget the claws, who wants Spike breathing deeply into their mouth? What if he hiccups?

Malpractice. You were not authorized to administer fire as a treatment.

Aw nuts, Snails is that quiet kid who drifts away from his friends after high school. :pinkiesad2:

Sadly, yes. You'll see how far he's fallen when he costars with Diamond Tiara, the other pony in the proverbial gutter.

Is she.. from somewhere? I feel like I should recognize Doreen, but I can't remember from where.

She pops up occasionally in the Blueblood's Ascension series as the owner of the Keen Bean. Definitely just a self-indulgent self-reference.

Wow, she's actually the leader of the Ponytones? Well done Flutters! :yay:

Mac with his kid and Rarity with her boutique chain, she was the best they had available. :scootangel:

Ha! Now I wonder who it is, and why they left. Torch Song because she realized she was never going to get a stallion through the Ponytones, since she's cursed never to get a special somepony anyway, or Toe Tapper, when he realized he would never be able to tap his toes, since he has none?

Toe Tapper was there to keep the voice levels balanced. :twilightsmile:

Ah, and the Ponytones have their baritone! I guess this is what Featherweight has been doing with his newly-freed up "Twilight Time."

Makes me wonder if everypony's favorite princess likes deep voiced stallions...

Poor Apple Bloom, she's going to need a dance partner with skin like tenfold shields or something!

Luckily, he doesn't have the wings like a hurricane to go with it. No, not that Hurricane!

Leprechauns? Awesome! Wait, do they look like tiny humans? You would think if they did, when Megan first showed up Izod would have called her a giant leprechaun, and Andy would have demanded her pot of gold.

They look like Bugs Bunny's gremlins, only instead of the pilot's outfit, they've got the requisite green suit. Also, greenish skin. Just cause it blends in with Lightninggale's rolling green hills.

They've got the same attitude, too.

Was this how Spike earned their magical charms? the ones said to grant great luck, and impart a magical deliciousness?

If Spike starts listing off magical artifacts... RUN.

"Hearts, stars, and horseshoes, clovers and blue moons!"

Run for it!

HAHAHAHA. Cloudkicker must have just finished reporting in to the Mayor. "Mayor, my weather team's at full power fighting this storm, they're givin' her all they've got! They can't take the strain!"

You realize that according to the rules of parody, this makes Pinkie Spock, right?

I expected Merry to pop out of nowhere, just to make a cheap shot about the state of the roads if Apple Bloom can't move her own cart in a little blizzard.

She's still filming her scenes for DayBreak, and was not available for this story. :twistnerd:

Apple Bloom can totally hear Marvin Gay start playing in the background, can't she?

There's some sorta music playing. Salt to taste.

Overall nice setup, looks like now we're moving to more of a bottle-episode in later chapters, though a giant crystal castle is not the same as a broken elevator.

What about a midsized public library in a tree? :duck:


There's so much here that's unanswered, oh well, let's see how good of a story it's gonna be.

The question of "what's up with Twilight?" will be answered. Hopefully, any other unanswered questions are non-vital to enjoying the story.

And I hope it's gonna be good. That was the plan, anyhow!


In my stories, you can often expect dreams to be a theme. That or time travel. And occasionally, time traveling dreams.

Just as long as it's not prophecies of old written in italics.

Shorter on two. Spike beats out the average pony for four-legged height by about six inches. Apple Bloom, as discussed, is almost two pony-heights tall. Ultimately, his muscle bulk makes him a good deal wider than the average pony.

Interesting. I guess I'm used to the default thinking of teenage Spike as this tall, lanky guy about twice the height of a pony, like this guy. img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130704115625/villains/images/b/bc/Purple_teen_dragon_by_thorbhaal-d4yvhng.png
Your version is more like img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130704115648/villains/images/e/e9/Brown_teen_dragon_by_dutchcrafter-d4wd3dx.png , but in better shape from all those odd jobs with Rumble.

Griffons might actually be more dexterous, since their fifth talon acts as both a toe and a thumb.

Now I feel inadequate. :ajsleepy:

Nopony can quite figure out why Pip keeps saying "Cheers, mate" every five minutes.

I'm pretty sure that would happen no matter what story he's in. But it's good to know that at the Kean Bean, everypony knows your name... and they're always glad you came.

Sadly, yes. You'll see how far he's fallen when he costars with Diamond Tiara, the other pony in the proverbial gutter.

Ouch. I have read some really sweet DT X Snails stuff before, but I suppose this could be the darker EqG side of him coming out as well.

Mac with his kid and Rarity with her boutique chain, she was the best they had available. :scootangel:

What about Toe Tapper? He was the senior member! I guess he was more their for the dancing then anything else though.

Makes me wonder if everypony's favorite princess likes deep voiced stallions...

There's no wonder about it, I'm sure Princess Twilight has loved stallions with a deep voice since she was just a filly... a deep voice and a love of corn dogs. If Featherweight was really serious, he would follow Rumble and join the guard. And also learn to play guitar. Wait, shouldn't Rumble be in boot camp by now?

Luckily, he doesn't have the wings like a hurricane to go with it. No, not that Hurricane!

HA! Thank goodness Smaug never had wingblades!

They look like Bugs Bunny's gremlins, only instead of the pilot's outfit, they've got the requisite green suit. Also, greenish skin. Just cause it blends in with Lightninggale's rolling green hills.
They've got the same attitude, too.

Awesome. I bet Izod has some stories he could tell. Deeply traumatizing stories.

Run for it!

Too late, there's always lots of rainbows and balloons around anywhere. I still remember watching the first episode and thinking the Elements of Harmony (the gems) were inspired by Lucky Charms. I like to imagine that Izod had to prove his worth as leader of Lightninggale by stealing the cereal of a leprechaun.

You realize that according to the rules of parody, this makes Pinkie Spock, right?

I think Pinkie is just 4th Wall aware enough to bring in her sister as a sub. "Buck it AJ I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker! In fact, I'm not even a doctor. Pinkie just gave me this lab coat, switched out my wine for whiskey, and said 'Berry Punch, you need to see the mayor down at town hall.'"

She's still filming her scenes for DayBreak, and was not available for this story. :twistnerd:

Merry is in her own trailer, demanding the author sort her M&Ms by color, isn't she?

There's some sorta music playing. Salt to taste.

Kenny G it is!

What about a midsized public library in a tree? :duck:

I dunno man, trapping some friends in a sleep over at the library due to a storm? Could that even work? :applejackconfused: :duck: :twilightsheepish:

Huh, with all the trauma and drama of the Hurricane story, I had almost forgotten about Rumble and Scootaloo being an item in this 'verse.

“You need to get out sometime,” Rumble said. “It’s been almost five months since, um…”

Five months? That's a long coma, or convalescence, or whatever. Better not be five months since the funeral...

I get the feeling that Spike regularly loses arguments with Owloysius.

A different set of ponies in the Ponytones, interesting.

There we go, Spike, Apple Bloom, one library, and very little chance of any interruptions.


Huh, with all the trauma and drama of the Hurricane story, I had almost forgotten about Rumble and Scootaloo being an item in this 'verse.

Good things happen in these stories! Honest!

Five months? That's a long coma, or convalescence, or whatever. Better not be five months since the funeral...

Relax. Take your coat off and stay a while. Please put down that bat, my head is not a baseball.

Five months since the attack took place. There wasn't a funeral for Twilight, don't worry about that part.

I get the feeling that Spike regularly loses arguments with Owloysius.

Owloysius sees it more like "Spike regularly gets smarter after they have discussions."

A different set of ponies in the Ponytones, interesting.

It's now a town tradition. It's possible that Rarity's group was not the first.

There we go, Spike, Apple Bloom, one library, and very little chance of any interruptions.

For good or ill. (Don't forget the owl!)

Well, it's something to think about. I mean, and I'm not trying too hard to be lewd, but... if his tears are hot enough to burn her hooves, imagine what a more... er, personal fluid of his would do to her more... uh, delicate areas...

Also, the accident with Twilight, is that from a previous story, or will we be getting a flashback?

5698110 I believe it's referring to the attempt on Twilight's life in Daybreak.

Great chapter. Spike and Bloom's interaction was well done, however there was one detail I couldn't stop thinking about.

“Y’ don’t suppose this has somethin’ tah do with what that Hurricane pony did to Cloudsdale, do yah?”

That is some ominous foreshadowing for Daybreak. Color me intrigued!

Aw man, right through the feels wringer on this chap.

Spike chuckled. He walked up to the stand and flicked the tip of the owl’s ear. “He’s complaining that I should bring pretty mares to the library more often.”
“Hoot!” Owloysius said in agreement

Thus reminding us all that having wings helps you be a great wingman!

Owloysius rested on his shoulder, his eyebrows low and his beak severe. He pecked Spike on the ear.
“Ouch!” Spike rubbed the sore spot, but held himself back from batting the offending bird away. “What was that for?”

So does Owloysius have an adamantine beak, or is Spike official dragon vulnerable spot on the tip of his ear?

Owloysius closed his eyes with a faux-longsuffering expression. He shook his head. “Hoot.”
Spike’s cheeks went beet-red beneath his scales. He bared two sets of sharp teeth. “Uh… Um… You and I both know why that isn’t happening. Ever.”

At this point he's definitely leaning into the "wise old owl" stereotype. I expect him to tell us how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll.

She suppressed a giggle when he reached for the pages. He turned on her with a raised brow. “What’s so funny?”
“Y’ look like a penguin when y’ walk on your hind legs like that.” She sat on her haunches and drew her forelegs up like wings. “Waddle, waddle, waddle.”

I'm afraid Apple Bloom needs to be docked a full point on the Cadance scale for this. She may be taking romantic advice from her older sister, but if so Apple Bloom should consider just who AJ's stallion is.

Apple Bloom’s loose mane swished over her shoulders as she swung her head around. “Y’ don’t suppose this has somethin’ tah do with what that Hurricane pony did to Cloudsdale, do yah?”
“It’s fine.” Spike looked over his shoulder. “It’s not your fault. It just… hurts. I’m just glad everything’s settled down now.”

Nooo! Caney, you blew it all up! And if everything is settled then... well, that doesn't sound like Twilight is in a coma or anything not... permanent :fluttershysad:

Apple Bloom puckered her lips. “Ah thought there weren’t no food or drinks allowed in the library.”
“During business hours, it is a library.” Spike dished out her plate and followed up with his own. He carried one in each hand as he waddled past her and between the book shelves. “Outside those hours, it’s my house.”

What spilled food only stains between the hours of 9 and 5? That is irresponsible tending of public property, Spike! Apple Bloom tell your sister about this, since you're on a bit of a "ruthless honesty" kick.

She smirked and spread herself across one of the cushy couches. Her tall body took up all three seats.

"Paint me like your prench mares, Spike!" :moustache:

She smiled and crossed her forelegs under her chin. “So ah pulled out the big guns t’ make sure y’all stayed for brunch.”
Spike scratched the place her hoof had touched, loosening a few more scales. “Ahuh. The big doe-eyes. I’m still pretty sure they’re about one step away from Fluttershy’s The Stare.”

I heartily agree with Spike here, even without a bow to flop down alongside her ears, I can't imagine anyone saying no to Apple Bloom, it's just gone from puppy-dog eyes to great-dane eyes.

She gave him a light, playful scowl. “An’ ah don’t wanna keep wakin’ up b’fore sunrise to clear out the chicken coop.”

Only six days a week, you get to sleep in on the seventh, you whiner!

“Yep.” She bit down on her lower lip, a slight shiver to her forelegs. “It could be even harder, but—but way more wonderful.”
Spike inclined his head. “What is it?”
Apple Bloom propped her hooves on the armrest, leaned her long neck over the gap between the seats, and touched her lips to his. The taste of cinnamon swirled with the smell of smoke. Lightning flashed and fire roared across their lips. The howling gale outside was drowned beneath the blood thumping in their ears. Breath left them in a gasp.

Alright, she gets the Cadance point back for great game. And that was a really nice description of a first kiss.

She reached for his cheek to wipe his tear away. “Hay. Hay, it’s okay—Ouch!” The hot dragon tear stung her hoof. She drew it back in a rush to suck on it.

Dragon tears are almost steam. That makes sense, head canon accepted!

“My breath is f-fire and my jaw is a jackhammer. M-my hide is armor. My claws are knives. My scales… I c-could knock you across the room and not even feel it.”

The first time I read this, it was really sad and touching, then I went back and read it again, and imagined Smaug letting Bilbo down easy.

Spike remained as he was, seated in the easychair with his tears held at bay, until he heard the guest room door slam shut. He gathered up the dirty plates without a word, washed them with equal quiet, and then wrapped the rest of the pie in foil.

You raise up a Noble Dragon of the Code, you get self-sacrificing behavior. Even when it's going too far. :applecry:

The feels! So sweet and sad.

Spike’s muzzle scrunched up. “Huh? Temptation? Temptation to what?”

Apparently scales aren't the only thing on a dragon that's thick.

“Hoo, hoo, hoot!”
Spike brought his fist down on the tabletop. “Just get off my back!”
Though he only used an ounce of his strength, the table collapsed beneath the blow. The sound of wood snapping combined with a loud clatter to produce a resounding, heart-stopping cacophony.


Don't feel embarrassed, Spike, even Godzilla waddles.

Apple Bloom’s loose mane swished over her shoulders as she swung her head around. “Y’ don’t suppose this has somethin’ tah do with what that Hurricane pony did to Cloudsdale, do yah?”


Woo, go Apple Bloom! Good thing the chaperone went off to take a nap.

Wait, never mind, Spike was his own chaperone. Kind of the World of Cardboard problem, huh.


Also, the accident with Twilight, is that from a previous story, or will we be getting a flashback?

Flynt is right about it being from DayBreak, but it shouldn't be confusing to skip that story. And if it is, I made a boo-boo.

We'll find out the results in the next chapter of this story.


Great chapter. Spike and Bloom's interaction was well done, however there was one detail I couldn't stop thinking about.

“Y’ don’t suppose this has somethin’ tah do with what that Hurricane pony did to Cloudsdale, do yah?”

That is some ominous foreshadowing for Daybreak. Color me intrigued!

I like writing things out of order. It helps me keep the story on track if I have concrete destinations.

And it's fun to watch the speculation, natch. :raritywink:


Aw man, right through the feels wringer on this chap.


So does Owloysius have an adamantine beak, or is Spike official dragon vulnerable spot on the tip of his ear?

From my perspective, Spike's ears are a series of thin skin flaps that act as sound sensing membranes. They look kinda feathery in the show, you know? Anyway, he can fold them against his head if it ever comes to blows, thus protecting the sensitive points.

Owloysius is kinda a jerk sometimes. :trixieshiftright:

I'm afraid Apple Bloom needs to be docked a full point on the Cadance scale for this. She may be taking romantic advice from her older sister, but if so Apple Bloom should consider just who AJ's stallion is.

"If you love your job so much, why don't you marry it!?" :applecry:

"Because ah--uh... you know, now that you mention it..." :applejackconfused:

Nooo! Caney, you blew it all up! And if everything is settled then... well, that doesn't sound like Twilight is in a coma or anything not... permanent :fluttershysad:

The wait to find out is almost over!

What spilled food only stains between the hours of 9 and 5? That is irresponsible tending of public property, Spike! Apple Bloom tell your sister about this, since you're on a bit of a "ruthless honesty" kick.

Who's gonna tell on the dragon living in the library?

Also, the books are public property. The library furniture isn't. It's a long, convoluted tale of who owns what and where they got the money. It's quite boring.

The first time I read this, it was really sad and touching, then I went back and read it again, and imagined Smaug letting Bilbo down easy.


That's too perfect!

"You don't love me! You only want me for my Arkenstone!"


The feels! So sweet and sad.

Thank you. Here's hoping the denouement is as good!


Don't feel embarrassed, Spike, even Godzilla waddles.


Problem is, when Godzilla does it, the earth shakes. When Spike does it, his tail shakes. Not the same effect at all.

Woo, go Apple Bloom! Good thing the chaperone went off to take a nap.
Wait, never mind, Spike was his own chaperone. Kind of the World of Cardboard problem, huh.

World of Cardboard exactly. Plus a little Dragon of Fire, Mare of Kindling. Only a little, though. Superman has it tough.


"If you love your job so much, why don't you marry it!?" :applecry:
"Because ah--uh... you know, now that you mention it..." :applejackconfused:

AJ dressed in her best duds next to the townhall, about to be married to Ponyville by Princess Celestia, when all of a sudden Braeburn pulls up in a fast carriage to stop the wedding.
"I Object! Applejack, don't forget you're first true love, the one you've had since childhood, the one that will make you happy no matter what anyone else says!" Then he reaches into the carriage and pulls out Bloomburg, reminding AJ it was, and shall always be, all about the Apples. :applejackconfused:

Who's gonna tell on the dragon living in the library?
Also, the books are public property. The library furniture isn't. It's a long, convoluted tale of who owns what and where they got the money. It's quite boring.

Spike tore through his sheets in his desperation to escape the dream. His nightstand crashed when an errant tail-swipe knocked it over. He clenched his fists and slammed them down, cracking the floorboards.
He heaved in deep breaths, resting in the ruined remains of his nest. A faint smell of acrid smoke touched his nose. He looked up at the minor blaze that was licking at his drapes. He reached up and tore the fabric away from the window, where he could stomp out the flames.

Not that complicated then, the city replaced smashed/burned furniture only so many times and then told the new librarian he has to buy his own furniture out of his own paycheck.

That's too perfect!
"You don't love me! You only want me for my Arkenstone!"

You can't blame Smaug, Bilbo was rolling with a group of notorious gold-diggers.

Starts out equally dark, but lightens up considerably towards the end.

“Thanks.” Apple Bloom wiped her nose. “But—but do you see what ah’m gettin’ at? Do you understand what sorta difference you can make just by bein’ there? Ah couldn’t make Granny better, but I made her happier.”
Spike clutched the edges of his makeshift shawl. “Yeah.”
“It’s gotta count for somethin’.” Apple Bloom scrunched her muzzle. “It does too count for somethin’!”
She let her head droop. “Don’t it?”

This was unbelievably touching, without being nearly as sad as some of the earlier emotional beats, even though it's about someone dying. Well done.

“Hello, Precious Scales.”
Spike turned his head. Walking in the other direction, around the edge of the thrones, was a soft, white mare in a warm, fuzzy coat. “Rarity?”

It's embarassing, but I was surprised by this, even with the chapter title.

She fidgeted with the hem of her fuzzy coat. “You… I suppose you told her the same thing—?”
“The same thing that I told you.” Spike struggled to swallow down the lump in his throat. “Yeah,” he squeaked out.
Rarity’s pale face turned a pretty shade of pink. She pressed her lips tight before replying. “I’m sorry, Spike. It wasn’t any easier this time, was it?”

Oh ho ho, that is a twist, I don't think I've seen that one before.

When she pulled back, she smiled at him. She did her best not to draw attention to the scarf she always wore around her neck. She adjusted it with a quick spell, covering the horrifying scar that ran across her throat.

Alright, I'm honestly not trying to kick a hornet's nest or anything, so I understand that Twilight will always suffer pains now (better than being in a coma), but that permanent scar causing muteness? Doesn't that seem like the sort of thing enhanced cellular regeneration could help fix?

Spike stood up on his hind legs and stretched. “But the library’s closed tomorrow. How’s that sound? I’ll just jaunt over here and we’ll figure out what’s up in Sunset’s universe.”
Twilight clomped her hooves together even as she wrote her reply. Most excellent! It’s good to have you back, Spike.

Oh man, this ended so much better than I thought it would. I was sure it would involve Spike reading stories to Twilight in a coma or something.

Apple Bloom’s ears dipped below the edge of her hat. “Y’know, actually… Aw heck, don’t ever stop bein’ charmin’, Spike. It’s who you are. Or it should be.

You know, I don't think we've gotten Spike's official score on the Shining Scale. Maybe you want to hold off until the epilogue, but I feel we need to know!

Apple Bloom ducked her head down, bringing it below Spike’s. She hunched her shoulders in a lackluster effort to hide her blush. “So… you’re sayin’ there’s a chance?”
“I’m saying I’d take the chance. Once we find it. You know?” He looked down at his intertwined fingers. “It’s… easy to see that you’re worth the wait.”
Apple Bloom brought her hoof to his cheek. Her amber eyes blinked away a snowflake. “You are, too.”


Well, now how bright will that light shine? Here's hoping.

I'm kind of amazed Spike has any bedding or bedroom or house left at all if the nightmares and this reaction to them are so frequent.

Thank goodness for Apple Bloom and her sensible Apple family perspective.

She fidgeted with the hem of her fuzzy coat. “You… I suppose you told her the same thing—?”
“The same thing that I told you.” Spike struggled to swallow down the lump in his throat. “Yeah,” he squeaked out.


Okay, so that's the state of Twilight. Well, it could have been worse (she's not a brain damaged vegetable, which was my main concern considering her injuries and how long she went without proper blood flow), and where there's life, there's hope. On the other hand, I'm going to be really sad if the long term consequences of Daybreak (for Twilight at least) is that she's permanently mute and that's that.

The mirror connection to the EQG world was broken? That's potentially telling.

Spike exhaled a giggling explosion of relaxing muscles and eased nerves. The merriment continued like aftershocks of an earthquake. “Twi, for you, I think that’s exactly the right amount of sap.”

Yeah, it probably was.

So how does Spike expect to work out his Cardboard problem? Awkward research project with Twilight and Discord?

Spike rubbed the spot her lips had touched. He waddled his way back to the Seeds of Friendship Public Library, a goofy grin across his face.



I'm going to Hell...

Maybe you were lucky and Snowdrop didn't see you do it.


AJ dressed in her best duds next to the townhall, about to be married to Ponyville by Princess Celestia, when all of a sudden Braeburn pulls up in a fast carriage to stop the wedding.
"I Object! Applejack, don't forget you're first true love, the one you've had since childhood, the one that will make you happy no matter what anyone else says!" Then he reaches into the carriage and pulls out Bloomburg, reminding AJ it was, and shall always be, all about the Apples. :applejackconfused:

Gee, thanks for spoiling the end of Lord Mayor Applejack 2! :flutterrage: Seriously, I keep having to rewrite it just to stay ahead of you!

Not that complicated then, the city replaced smashed/burned furniture only so many times and then told the new librarian he has to buy his own furniture out of his own paycheck.

Celestia has been known to contribute a coin or two, too.

You can't blame Smaug, Bilbo was rolling with a group of notorious gold-diggers.

The sad part of the tragedy is that they never made up. Bilbo spent the rest of his days in Rivendale Retirement Home, and Smaug jumped in the lake.

This was unbelievably touching, without being nearly as sad as some of the earlier emotional beats, even though it's about someone dying. Well done.

Thank you. I was hoping Apple Bloom's big moment to shine would be able to tug heartstrings, while still helping to lighten the mood after the dark point of the story. It's quite the metaphorical trapeze. :twilightsheepish:

It's embarassing, but I was surprised by this, even with the chapter title.

It's like a rule that when you start a non-canon relationship, you're supposed to deal with the canon relationships.

What isn't a rule is dealing with them in a respectful way, I've noticed. :duck:

Oh ho ho, that is a twist, I don't think I've seen that one before.

I know, right? It's really easy to be original, just do the opposite of what everybody else does! :derpytongue2:

Alright, I'm honestly not trying to kick a hornet's nest or anything, so I understand that Twilight will always suffer pains now (better than being in a coma), but that permanent scar causing muteness? Doesn't that seem like the sort of thing enhanced cellular regeneration could help fix?

Enhanced as in "faster." Some things don't grow back, like nerves and tonsils. Other things don't grow back the same, like joints and bones. Some things scar. Some things require therapy. In Twilight's case, it's a long road to recovery.

You know, I don't think we've gotten Spike's official score on the Shining Scale. Maybe you want to hold off until the epilogue, but I feel we need to know!

Spike status on the Noble, Loyal, Steadfast, and True scale is kinda in a state of flux known as "Puberty" and "Emotional Instability." More on this as it develops.


Though I see you've already given him five out of five moustaches.


Well, now how bright will that light shine? Here's hoping.

The word "Eye-searing" comes to mind. :raritywink:


This was absolutely beautiful!

Thank you for saying so! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


I'm kind of amazed Spike has any bedding or bedroom or house left at all if the nightmares and this reaction to them are so frequent.

He buys sheets and pillows in bulk at Linens and Limes.

Okay, so that's the state of Twilight. Well, it could have been worse (she's not a brain damaged vegetable, which was my main concern considering her injuries and how long she went without proper blood flow), and where there's life, there's hope. On the other hand, I'm going to be really sad if the long term consequences of Daybreak (for Twilight at least) is that she's permanently mute and that's that.

It's more like there's a long healing process associated with it. It's totally reasonable to assume she's gonna get her voice back eventually, especially with the new surgical techniques Discord championed.

For now, though, there are consequences. Unfortunately, people's actions affect more than just themselves. :applecry:

But as shown in this chapter, that fact is also fortunate.

The mirror connection to the EQG world was broken? That's potentially telling.

The next story is Equestria Girls, Near-Future Ponyville style. :pinkiehappy: Don't tell anybody. It's a secret.

So how does Spike expect to work out his Cardboard problem? Awkward research project with Twilight and Discord?

Yes, but he probably won't bring up the whole "Hay, Twi, can you make it so I can make out with Apple Bloom at will?" thing. :rainbowlaugh:




Gee, thanks for spoiling the end of Lord Mayor Applejack 2! :flutterrage: Seriously, I keep having to rewrite it just to stay ahead of you!

You mean Lord Mayor Applejack 2: Election Scootaloo; There's Something About Merry/Return of Bloomstein, son of Bloomberg?

The sad part of the tragedy is that they never made up. Bilbo spent the rest of his days in Rivendale Retirement Home, and Smaug jumped in the lake.

That's some Nicolas Sparks stuff right there. I feel like we would all love to retire with the elves (I would have the cranky neighbor who only trusts high elves and thinks wood elves are stealing his medication though). Isn't Rivendale Retirement Home where Archie lives with Bettie (and Veronica on the side?)

Some things scar. Some things require therapy. In Twilight's case, it's a long road to recovery.

This is going to sound sappy, but when I realized Twilight was mute, and I realized she was never going to sing "Love is in Bloom" or any of her other hits again... dust got caught in my eye.

It's more like there's a long healing process associated with it. It's totally reasonable to assume she's gonna get her voice back eventually, especially with the new surgical techniques Discord championed.

Glad to hear that, as long as Discord is around she'll be fine :twilightsmile:...
Oh you bastard! :twilightangry2: That's, that's dirty pool!

Alright, what if Twilight got her hooves on some sort of magical gem that magically empowers one's voice? Would that help her?

Spike status on the Noble, Loyal, Steadfast, and True scale is kinda in a state of flux known as "Puberty" and "Emotional Instability." More on this as it develops.

More on this as he develops!

Yes, but he probably won't bring up the whole "Hay, Twi, can you make it so I can make out with Apple Bloom at will?" thing. :rainbowlaugh:

I figure the breezies have to have more than one single healing product, no matter how potent it is. "Hi I'm Spike, and I have Dragon Syndrome, but you wouldn't know it! With Bastion Brand Pixie Dust™ I'm soft and delicate enough to spend quality time with my marefriend, and heat her up only to a safe amount. Ask your local Breezie about Pixie Dust today! Warning: Side effects may include scale rot, flame extinguishing, and in rare cases, Smoozification. If your claws and scales remain soft for more than 4 hours, please consult your local Pinkie so she can hug you.

Button Mash's cutie mark is in puppeteering?

... Except instead of being sorta lame, it's a magical device/power he has, and thus actually kinda awesome, and probably has a myriad of unusual applications?

Yeah, I'm down with that.

Also, isn't controlling a video game character metaphorical puppeteering?

Anyway, I liked the story... but the "the story isn't really concluded yet" feel the ending has here just makes me want to read more.

A hoof rapped the door in desperation. Sweetie Belle’s head bobbed up, her eyes wide. “Dang!” She checked the clock. “Dang!” She looked down at the second contact lens, as yet unapplied. “Dang, dang!”


Ehh, apart from the villain teaser at the end, this didn't really feel like an epilogue. Oh well, who am I to say? I'm no writer.

Nice wrap-up. I'll be waiting for the next story.

Also, Sweetie, I totally get the contact thing... yuck.


I like the expository wrap-up with the contrasting parties, especially since they highlight how similar Sweetie and Button can be...

“Ah, but I thought I was doing that already.” Sweetie smirked. “Successful fashion designer and a burgeoning music career? What could be better?”

Kind of agree with Sweetie here. She's making a living with dresses, and belting her heart out in the Ponytones. I can't imagine what she has to be unhappy about at this point, unless it's Button Mash not working up the courage to ask her out. :unsuresweetie: Overall though, nice to see Snarkie Sweetie.

“It’s a crush at this exact moment,” Apple Bloom said. She took a dainty sip of her soup. “An’ ah don’t feel right askin’ Spike to give up part of who he is to be with me. Ah figure there’s a reason he was born a dragon.”

C'mon Ms. Potions Master, there has to be an elixir with temporary effects! And think what good advertising it will do for your new business if you can get it to work!

“Uh. Yeah. My dad taught me all the family recipes.” Button blushed behind a smile. “T-turns out jalapeno juice flows through our veins.”

There's an old-timey pony with an enormous mustache on a bottle of "Salsa Mash Brand Salsa" down at Barnyard Bargains, isn't there?

Spike finished descending the stairs and cast his gaze around the room. He gave a low whistle. “Not bad.”

Who better to judge a man-cave than a dragon? :moustache:

“Buddy.” Rumble fluttered up to Spike and took hold of his hands. “Buddy, we will fix this thing for you. You don’t have to live in the dark any longer.”
Button peered over the back of the couch. A tear dripped down his cheek. “It’s so sad to see a childhood missed.”

I agree, minus the sarcasm.

“And I won’t.” Spike crossed his forearms and let out a sigh. “I’m gonna talk with Applejack and hope I get to her before the rumors do. Hopefully it’ll at least ease the minds of the ponies that matter.”
Button Mash nailed Rumble with a headshot. “Is that before or after you tell Bloom about it?”
Spike held a finger up and snapped it. “Good point. After. We’ll have to talk to make sure we don’t get our wires crossed.” He rested his eyes behind his palms. “No good deed goes unpunished.”

Nice work Spikey, honesty with Applejack after talking with the lady. He's moving up the scale towards his big bro!

The largest tree in the orchard rose twice as high as its neighbors. It trunk was as thick as a house and its branches grew into the cavern ceiling, tearing through stone as if digging upwards in desperation. Magic flowed up and down from the roots to the leaves and shone with an inviting glow.

You know, it would be weird if the Crystal Tree were the only member of its species. Looks like it has some relatives...

She bowed before it, the hood of her cloak falling in front of her graying orange-and-yellow mane and wrinkly, orangey cream-colored coat.

Sunset Shimmer? Maybe the one from EqG? Or an OC.

On the far side of the mirror, trapped in an endless void, two greedy green eyes watched her leave. They looked at a world of golden apples, prosperous kingdoms, and a strong core of magic power.

Ok, spooky badass, and pretty much a confirmation of who we all thought it was, with those green eyes. Although alt-Sombra had green eyes two, so down to 2 suspects.

I hope Merry is one of those sisters, (I'm guessing she's the matron while Silver Spoon is the maiden). Sounds like she's keeping busy with the rumor mill (and watching Spike). Did Scuttlebutt escape the fall of Dulcimer and move to Ponyville? I feel like I now have 3 new questions for each answer!


Button Mash's cutie mark is in puppeteering?
... Except instead of being sorta lame, it's a magical device/power he has, and thus actually kinda awesome, and probably has a myriad of unusual applications?
Yeah, I'm down with that.

I'll have you know that the puppeteer profession has a long and storied history of storytelling stories. With puppets!

I foresee Pony!Jim Henson making an appearance in some form.

Also, isn't controlling a video game character metaphorical puppeteering?

You got it! :raritywink:

Anyway, I liked the story... but the "the story isn't really concluded yet" feel the ending has here just makes me want to read more.

I was afraid of that. It's one of those dangers one faces when writing a series. The eternal question of "did I actually tell of full story with a sequel hook, or did I just leave everybody hanging?" As I always say, my writing style is a work in progress, so I'll see if I can't tighten up the screws in the next story.


Sweetie once picked up a sound level reader and said "When this baby hits 88 decibels, you're gonna see some serious horseapples."


Ehh, apart from the villain teaser at the end, this didn't really feel like an epilogue. Oh well, who am I to say? I'm no writer.

It's an epilogue in a looser sense, since it's both written in a different perspective than the rest of the story, and serves to... not quite wrap up threads, but give them a push in the right direction. I mostly called it an epilogue because it had a different perspective. The rest of the story was all Spike's POV.


Nice wrap-up. I'll be waiting for the next story.
Also, Sweetie, I totally get the contact thing... yuck.

Great to hear!

I will never, ever wear contact lenses. Ever never. :raritydespair:


So is the Spike and Applebloom relationship going to be put on the back burner for now?
If so I'm cool with that since that villain sounds interesting at the very least

Yes. We will see hints and peeks at how things are going, but we'll be focusing intently on other things, like Discord and Sunset Shimmer, for the time being.


I like the expository wrap-up with the contrasting parties, especially since they highlight how similar Sweetie and Button can be...

I never quite get tired of parallels.

Kind of agree with Sweetie here. She's making a living with dresses, and belting her heart out in the Ponytones. I can't imagine what she has to be unhappy about at this point, unless it's Button Mash not working up the courage to ask her out. :unsuresweetie: Overall though, nice to see Snarkie Sweetie.

I'd say wait and see, but that's no fun. Rationally, she should be the happiest mare ever. Ponies aren't always rational, though.

And let's not forget the possibility of something malicious haunting her.

C'mon Ms. Potions Master, there has to be an elixir with temporary effects! And think what good advertising it will do for your new business if you can get it to work!

Dragonfire five hour relief! 100% more pony or your money back! :moustache:

Mmyeah. I should just let you write the ads.

There's an old-timey pony with an enormous mustache on a bottle of "Salsa Mash Brand Salsa" down at Barnyard Bargains, isn't there?

His one shame is the inability to grow a moustache for real. :ajsleepy:

You know, it would be weird if the Crystal Tree were the only member of its species. Looks like it has some relatives...

I'm convinced that season 4's "The Box" was a seed, and the crystal castle tree thingy is the next generation.

Sunset Shimmer? Maybe the one from EqG? Or an OC.

Don't forget I also mentioned the eye color. She's not an OC. :twistnerd:

Ok, spooky badass, and pretty much a confirmation of who we all thought it was, with those green eyes. Although alt-Sombra had green eyes two, so down to 2 suspects.

I can't say anything without either spoiling or lying.

I hope Merry is one of those sisters, (I'm guessing she's the matron while Silver Spoon is the maiden). Sounds like she's keeping busy with the rumor mill (and watching Spike). Did Scuttlebutt escape the fall of Dulcimer and move to Ponyville? I feel like I now have 3 new questions for each answer!

Scuttlebutt was also mentioned by Scootaloo during Scootaloo Will Fly!, blowing your mind completely. Seems he's one mobile creep. :trollestia:

This is going to sound sappy, but when I realized Twilight was mute, and I realized she was never going to sing "Love is in Bloom" or any of her other hits again... dust got caught in my eye.

I call that one a bullseye. :pinkiehappy:

Glad to hear that, as long as Discord is around she'll be fine :twilightsmile:...
Oh you bastard! :twilightangry2: That's, that's dirty pool!


Alright, what if Twilight got her hooves on some sort of magical gem that magically empowers one's voice? Would that help her?

Those things are certifiable Bad News for reasons we shall get into later. I'm thinking Blueblood's Ascension Part III, only with more harmonizing.


And let's not forget the possibility of something malicious haunting her.

What in Ponyville could make her feel moody and argumentative?

Don't forget I also mentioned the eye color. She's not an OC. :twistnerd:

Is it that nag Peachy Pie? I never trusted her! :twilightangry2: If not her, I fear I will have to wait and see like some filthy casual who hasn't memorized all the coats and hair-combos.

Dragonfire five hour relief! 100% more pony or your money back! :moustache:
Mmyeah. I should just let you write the ads.

I would say use Red Bull with a picture of Twilight on the can, but I'm pretty sure it would be offensive to all the unicorns out there to reference that ancient monster. lair2000.net/Unicorn_Lyrics/instrumental/attack.jpg

Scuttlebutt was also mentioned by Scootaloo during Scootaloo Will Fly!, blowing your mind completely. Seems he's one mobile creep. :trollestia:

Efficient and discreet minions are needed everywhere, and as long as your employer doesn't live to discover your betrayal, you can even maintain great references!

Those things are certifiable Bad News for reasons we shall get into later. I'm thinking Blueblood's Ascension Part III, only with more harmonizing.

So like nightmares, but with more songs? You have a funny way of spelling "Certifiable awesome news." Now I keep thinking, why wasn't Daniel Ingram around for the pilot to give Nightmare Moon a song?

If we go by this story and nothing else ever, I'd say Scoots gives some pretty good advice.

“Transformation.” Sweetie Belle squinted her eye to focus on lifting her spoon. “Transmogrification, transmutation, metamorphosis, it’s an entire field of magic study. I haven’t bothered to look into it for obvious reasons, but—”

There we go, transmogrification. Well, make that very carefully planned out transmogrification. Or maybe just a cardboard box, whichever you can afford.

Interesting talent for Button.

The Crone? A Master? Spike's dreams weren't his own? And Luna couldn't tell? Hmn.


If we go by this story and nothing else ever, I'd say Scoots gives some pretty good advice.

Well of course. You aren't gonna get anything done if you don't keep moving. That said, the best advice starts to dull after you've heard it fifty times. :scootangel:

There we go, transmogrification. Well, make that very carefully planned out transmogrification. Or maybe just a cardboard box, whichever you can afford.

Coming soon: Twilight Sparkle Goes 'Boink'! :pinkiehappy:

The Crone? A Master? Spike's dreams weren't his own? And Luna couldn't tell? Hmn.

Layers within webs within folds within twists within plots. And that's a start.


What in Ponyville could make her feel moody and argumentative?

An honest to goodness surprise, actually.

Is it that nag Peachy Pie? I never trusted her! :twilightangry2: If not her, I fear I will have to wait and see like some filthy casual who hasn't memorized all the coats and hair-combos.

I won't apologize for obsessing over things I need to describe visually. :unsuresweetie:

I would say use Red Bull with a picture of Twilight on the can, but I'm pretty sure it would be offensive to all the unicorns out there to reference that ancient monster.

I feel like I should watch The Last Unicorn one of these days. That seems like something that would be a good namesake for Tartarus. Or should I say Tartaurus?

So like nightmares, but with more songs? You have a funny way of spelling "Certifiable awesome news." Now I keep thinking, why wasn't Daniel Ingram around for the pilot to give Nightmare Moon a song?

Like Nightmares, but with less mind warping of the host and more mind warping of the people around them. Unless Twilight didn't learn anything about respecting individual rights since the Lesson Zero incident, she won't be too quick to grab a hold of that.

I've actually heard that Daniel Ingram writes the music, but not the lyrics. And when he does, it's in conjunction with the episode writers. Dunno how truthful my forgotten source is. It doesn't take away from the fact that the man's got bountiful talent!


I won't apologize for obsessing over things I need to describe visually. :unsuresweetie:

I'm goint to take this as rock-solid confirmation that Peachie Pie is the mastermind behind the whole plot. What is the one weakness of Sirens? They need to be able to sing enchanting, rhyming lyrics. And who is an award-winning poet in Ponyville? Peachie Pie! (also an award-winning rollerskater, but that may be less relevant). She even practiced her skills by taking part in a song to turn all the affection and praise of Ponyville towards a single pony! I wouldn't be surprised if the Sirens are deeply indebted to their ghostwriter, who probably told Merry she could rhyme "reflection" and "election." The only remaining piece of the puzzle is: Why haven't we seen a wight on roller skates yet? :rainbowhuh:

I feel like I should watch The Last Unicorn one of these days.

Yes, you definitely should, I saw it as a child and it's one of the reasons I was willing to give some show about fantasy equines a shot in the first place. 41.media.tumblr.com/a40207e90663150718b8eb24e3fef6e3/tumblr_mfphzbSLFy1ru5991o2_r1_500.jpg

That seems like something that would be a good namesake for Tartarus. Or should I say Tartaurus?

I've seen Tartaurus used in some great stories where minotaurs guard all the demons.

I've actually heard that Daniel Ingram writes the music, but not the lyrics. And when he does, it's in conjunction with the episode writers. Dunno how truthful my forgotten source is. It doesn't take away from the fact that the man's got bountiful talent!

if I had my way there would be at least one song per episode, but what are you gonna do.

So sorry I didn't read this sooner, what with work and my ongoing story and all XP

So, a few thing: Damn, Button Mash has some ooooooold systems XD For a second there I expected him to bring out something akin to the Commodore 64...oh, goodness...

Also, this is part of a saga? o.o Are there stories before this or is this the first? Either way, interesting way to introduce a villain :)

Finally, call me a sucker for romance, but I hope we see more of AB and Spike's relationship develop x3 But you're the author, and I will enjoy even if it's no the major point of the plot!


What is the one weakness of Sirens?

Taco Tues--

They need to be able to sing enchanting, rhyming lyrics.

Oh, yeah. That.

And who is an award-winning poet in Ponyville?


Peachie Pie! (also an award-winning rollerskater, but that may be less relevant).

Yes, her too. (Roller skating may or may not have any bearing at all on the plot of future stories.)

I wouldn't be surprised if the Sirens are deeply indebted to their ghostwriter, who probably told Merry she could rhyme "reflection" and "election." The only remaining piece of the puzzle is: Why haven't we seen a wight on roller skates yet? :rainbowhuh:

You know that toy, "Stretch Armstrong"? Try to stand that thing up on wheels. Rubbery legs aren't good for stability.

if I had my way there would be at least one song per episode, but what are you gonna do.

If I had my way, all of the villains would have gotten a song. At minimum. :twistnerd: We need a Diamond Tiara song with Spoon on the spoons.


So sorry I didn't read this sooner, what with work and my ongoing story and all XP

That's life. I'm glad to know you enjoyed the story when you could. :pinkiehappy:

So, a few thing: Damn, Button Mash has some ooooooold systems XD For a second there I expected him to bring out something akin to the Commodore 64...oh, goodness...

I followed the rule of "write what you know," that is, I gave him the systems I've had in my lifetime, so no Commodore. :twilightblush:

Though of course he owns a Gamestation 4 by Pony and a P-box One. He's gotta keep up with the times.

Also, this is part of a saga? o.o Are there stories before this or is this the first? Either way, interesting way to introduce a villain :)

The most recent in a fairly long series. From the story description:

There're both one shots and longer stories, alternating between humor and sadness and action. Sometimes all three at once. :raritywink:

Finally, call me a sucker for romance, but I hope we see more of AB and Spike's relationship develop x3 But you're the author, and I will enjoy even if it's no the major point of the plot!

There's no doubt in my mind we'll see Spike and Apple Bloom again in the near-ish future. Keep an eye out for stories with their tags. :moustache:


Yes, her too. (Roller skating may or may not have any bearing at all on the plot of future stories.)

Has Zecora actually won an award for her awesome rhyming? Anyway, if there's one pony who can stand up to the might of Peachy Pie on skates, it's AB's cousin. geekedoutnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/MyLittlePonyFF13.jpg

If I had my way, all of the villains would have gotten a song. At minimum. :twistnerd: We need a Diamond Tiara song with Spoon on the spoons.

Oh man, how were the adorabullies not a musical duo with Silver Spoons on the spoons in Rainbow Rocks?!

Sounds like maybe the CMC well turn Spike into a pony? That would be a great funny story.

Gotta say, I dig your characterization. When Spike spoke with Rarity, I could just tell that she was older, you know?

Cloudkicker's accent was pretty jarring. I almost thought she was an OC for a second there.


Gotta say, I dig your characterization. When Spike spoke with Rarity, I could just tell that she was older, you know?

Thank you! Characters are just about my favorite thing ever, so I always make sure they're as spot-on as I can make them. It's a lot of fun to explore the might-bes and could-happens.

And Rarity's always been a favorite of mine, so that goes double for her. :raritywink:

Cloudkicker's accent was pretty jarring. I almost thought she was an OC for a second there.

Yeah, I'll give you that. I get the feeling that my... interpretation of Cloudkicker would be jarring no matter how I introduced her. I figured she'd be most comfortable exploding out of a howling blizzard, shouting her head off. It wouldn't be a MyHobby story without a couple rough patches.

I've heard it said that the difference between a background pony and an OC is that the reader knows what one looks like. :twilightblush:


I've heard it said that the difference between a background pony and an OC is that the reader knows what one looks like.

That's pretty much how I've always felt about the matter. While I find some common fandom interpretations of Background Ponies amusing (Lyra's obsession with humans) some others I find a bit....obnoxious (Cloudkicker's other depiction, which I experienced second hand in another fic).

For what it's worth, I liked your Cloudkicker much better, even if I could barely understand her. :P

I really liked Apple Bloom in this. It's nice to see an idea of where she'd end up if decided to leave the farm. Her having a heavier build than the average filly her age was pretty interesting. I always imagined that's how Babs would turn out.

I... kinda feel I shouldn't have read this. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but moreso that it's incredibly spoilery for Daybreak :/

5 months after the attack, and Twi doesn't have her voice back... kinda makes the whole chapter I read today moot, ya know? as well as... "Mr Scuttlebutt". WHAT.

Kinda needs a big warning about that, ya know. I'm now hesitant to read the last two fics available :P


I... kinda feel I shouldn't have read this. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but moreso that it's incredibly spoilery for Daybreak :/
Kinda needs a big warning about that, ya know. I'm now hesitant to read the last two fics available :P

It's a dangerous thing I do, I know. I want each story to be stand-alone, while tying into the larger narrative. You aren't the first to complain about the spoilers, of course, so I probably won't jump ahead like this in the future. It just raises too many questions. :twilightblush: You live and learn, amiright?

If you're content to wait for DayBreak to finish, then you should probably do that. There are a couple other spoilers en route in Absence and An Equestrian Griffon. Nothing that would ruin DayBreak completely, of course, but enough that you'll probably be annoyed. :unsuresweetie:

One thing I've been careful to do is to make it so that no matter what order you read them in, each story has information that none of the others has. Or presents an idea from a different angle. Or introduces something snazzy into the mix. Or all three. Then if the reader puts it all together, it adds a whole other layer onto what they've read. It's ambitious, it's crazy, and heaven help me, I hope it works.

5 months after the attack, and Twi doesn't have her voice back... kinda makes the whole chapter I read today moot, ya know? as well as... "Mr Scuttlebutt". WHAT.

It could make the chapter moot, but I made sure to focus on Spike's reaction and how he's dealt with it. Twilight still being mute is a spoiler, yeah, I can't deny that. It is, however, a pretty big deal across several stories, so I'll have a hard time hiding it for long...

This is what I get for writing ahead. :facehoof:

As for Scuttlebutt, I figured that was a nice little wink to the series veterans. All it reveals is that he survives Daybreak and he's hanging around Ponyville. Probably for something nefarious.

I'm really conflicted about the whole thing, to be honest. But I have to live in the world I built, so I might as well own it. :twilightsmile:

6223913 Kinda feels Like it should be all in one big story, and some chapters would update in the middle rather than the end :P

Wow, Cloudkicker is very, um, Scottish.


But yeah I put off reading this series for waaaay too long.

Well this was fantastic but .goddamn I really need to catch up on DayBreak.

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