It's getting embarrassing.
Scootaloo, pegasus extraordinare and honorary sister of the coolest Wonderbolt ever, is still unable to fly. She'd been told to wait a while and she'd grow out of it. She'd been told that her wings would get stronger if she just kept practicing. She'd been told that she was just a late bloomer.
It's time Scootaloo finally flew. She's going to pull out all the stops, break all the rules, and try every strategy in order to achieve her lifelong dream. Not alone, though. She's going to need lots of help from her friends if she wants to do it without getting killed.
At long last, Scootaloo will fly!
Rated Teen for
Muchas Smoochas
Part of The Heart's Promise Continuity
Lord Mayor Applejack
Fahr Drill
The Unmitigated Disaster
Scootaloo Will Fly!
Nature in the Wild
Lightning Struck Home
In the Absence of Sunset Shimmer
An Equestrian Griffon
If You Weren't Afraid
The Worst Kept Secret
Rhythm and Rhyme
In the Absence of Twilight Sparkle
The High Pariah of Breezy Bastion
The Heart's Promise
Yay! Finally here! I have to say, I really enjoyed this. Will we be privy to how they earned their cutie marks? A purple butterfly is cool and all, but how did she get it if she can't fly?
Awesome start, duder!
Oh yes. Scootaloo's special talent will get a pretty prominent place in the storyline. To say more would be spoilery.
Thank you! I'm glad you're liking it.
She may or may not fly. Who knows?
Sadly true, but Scootaloo Will Probably Fly Maybe for All Intents and Purposes in this Particular Story! doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
Nice, I'm liking this more laid back slice of life kind of story. I can't wait to read more. Also, I'm going to be "that guy" for a minute and point out:
I believe the word you were looking for here was "morale" (unless Applejack was lowering Ponyville's ethical standards!
See, I like people being "that guy" because without "that guy" I'd never find these little mistakes that so easily distract from the story!
Thank you!
Thanks! I think it'll be a good read, all told. But I'm biased.
There's always something special about timeskip CMC stories, and this looks like it'll be a good one.
Thanks! I've been working hard to find just the right note, just the right theme to have, that'll make it special. I hope to not disappoint!
I can't wait to see how Scootaloo goes about finally being able to fly. Nice to see the Crusaders are still close after all these years.
4756348 Awww, I thought it meant Applejack was zoning Ponyville for casinos and strip clubs or something. I like the nice little slice of life feel of this story so far. I can't wait to see what the Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are up to (the rest its pretty clear).
Thankfully, some friendships get closer as the years go by. They're the best kinds, the ones you can really rely on.
Now that would make for an off-beat story. Lord Mayor Applejack: Sins of the Farmers.
I don't think i'll write that one. Ever.
Fluttershy's coming up pretty quick, though it's nothing groundbreaking. Pinkie, on the other hoof, is doing her old job... plus one more on the side. More on that later.
4761416 Before you go dismissing it out of hand, tax revenues would come flowing in and those
plotpot holes would finally be filled!4761537
Hey, don't ask me. Take it up with the Lord Mayor. She's the pony that makes this city run, after all.
4761552 So I guess in this 'verse Twilight is just the Princess of Friendship and not also the Princess of Ponyville? Otherwise Lord Mayor would basically be an honorary title.
Pretty much. My original plan was to have her still be a librarian, but then the season four finale happened. I'm a little fuzzy about what I'm gonna do with her just yet, except that Spike is still her Number One Assistant and she's still Princess of Friendship and Keeper of the Rainbow of Light.
Besides, Fancy Pants is Lord Mayor of Canterlot, and that city has two princesses. It's not unprecedented.
4761604 It's totally the norm. I mean every capital city on earth I know of has its own mayor. And I like that you're using Fancy Pants as Lord Mayor. (I assume he has the same job/power as every other mayor, but the citizens of Canterlot demanded he be titled "Lord Mayor," since they can't be expected to take a non-Lord seriously.)
As suggested by the opening chapter of Lord Mayor Applejack, every mayor in Equestria has the title of Lord Mayor. I'm not sure "lord" as a purely noble title exists in Equestria; at least not mine. It's used more as an honorific.
4762013 Sure, but only in Canterlot did the residents insist that their mayor be titled "Your Worshipful High Alderman Mayoral Lordship." I bet his real name is just Pants and the Canterlot city council or whatever insisted he add the "Fancy."
Lets see if Scoots falls on her face. Maybe she should see Bulk Biceps and do some bodybuilding first.
Also, nice look at the near future town. DT is a miserable pile.
Our lean, mean, non-flying machine probably already has the most muscle she can fit onto her thin frame. Though she won't hit her prime for a year or two, so maybe you're on to something.
It's an unfortunate truth. She's spent years refining her own special art form.
Look at his wings! Look at them! He must know something. He got into the Wonderbolt reserves.
Hmm... I wonder what a bulked up Scootaloo would look like.
I don't know. Everybody seems a little cranky for my tastes
I'm getting visions of a purple and orange Bulk Biceps with long eyelashes...
Yes, I'd have to agree with you. Mostly because it's intentional. Apple Bloom and Sweetie (especially Sweetie) are dealing with things they've kept deep down for a long time, and it's sort of poisoned them. It'll be a big part of their development as characters. Scootaloo is slightly less cranky, but that's because she's holding on to hope.
And Applejack is dealing with being mayor, I'd hope she gets a free pass for that.
I guess you can quit now, or hope that when I dig into these characters, it'll make them a little more palatable.
It's your choice.
Estee's working on a fic with that very plot right now
I may come back to it. I didn't really remember you'd done Lord Mayor Applejack. I enjoyed most of that fic, but while I enjoy your humorous and heartwarming stuff I'm not a big fan your sense of drama. Your Equestria's just a little off from my version of it.
I'd probably enjoy it more if I could read it in one go so I think I'll wait till it's done.
I understand. I've run into the same thing with other people's Equestria's, and I can't fault you for disliking it.
Though now you've got me wanting to examine my sense of drama and just what makes it odd. I don't have much practice with writing heavier stuff, so a lot of it might be my inexperience.
Well, if you ever find it again, I hope it impresses.
Or at least doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth. 
Life makes people cranky. Can't stay kids forever.
I just marked it for the read later page. I'll start when it says complete.
As for the drama, my Equestria is just sturdier than yours. For example with the finale of Lord Mayor Applejack and the problems of humans in Equestria, in my headcanon the only way humans would cause a war there would be if we started one.
And that applies with ponies attitudes to, so it takes a hell of a lot for me to buy a massive longterm personality change. They may get messed up emotionally but they shake it off.
The Mane 6 aren't kids either. They're rarely cranky
They're probably cranky between episodes
4777223 I'd say Apple Bloom is acting a bit snarky and Sweetie Bell is acting a bit snippy... Just like their older sisters act together.
I like the world building, including what seems like realistic extrapolation of kid's personalities as they become adults. I think about AJ, RD and Rarity hanging out without their less argumentative friends to balance them, this seems like how they would interact.
This includes Diamond Tiara acting like she hasn't aged a day, but that's unfortunately how it goes sometimes with how some people mature (or don't.) I hope we find out what her deal is eventually...
Sweetie has a permanent prescription for taking Ambrosia once a week? Sounds expensive given the import requirements.
Ah, cool. See you then! Hope it's to your tastes.
I guess this comes from my own personal experiences, then. I've found that people can be very fragile. One mistake, one accident, can send someone into a lifetime of bitterness or depression. It's not quite that bad with the cast of this story, though.
The thing is, they're fragile, but they can be put back together if broken. Some are stronger than others, and when they've been put back together they can be that much stronger, but at the base level...
When I write stories about people, I have to use my personal experiences. It might feel a little cynical for Equestria, but there's always a bright light at the end of the tunnel. The characters just have to stumble around in the dark for a while before they can find it.
I think they've all had their moments over the course of the series, such as Rarity's little stint in Manehattan. From my perspective, that had to be something that'd been boiling under Rarity's skin for a long time, looking for an outlet. While it appeared that everything was nice and tidy when the end credits rolled, the fact remains that she still struggles with her own greed and pride. That can lead to her acting up, if she doesn't keep herself in check.
I think they're pretty close, with their own little quirks. I'm looking forward to seeing RD and AJ interact in the here and now, just to see how they've changed since the "old" times.
It could be a fun compare and contrast!
I love digging into the "why" of nasty characters. She won't be excused, but she should be explained.
Two-hundred bits a month. She's pretty successful, so it's not like she can't afford it. But it still stinks.
4780631 I like Fairy Strings, especially since they're not just for unicorns. Do Earth Ponies have them, or do they not need them, since the magic just dissipates throughout their bodies?
It's dangerous to say too much about them, since it'd end up being spoilerific for a future story. I will say that they're analogous to the nervous system. They go all throughout the body, with clusters that collect wherever the particular tribe has their magic outlet. Earth Ponies have the largest clusters in their legs, unicorns in their heads, and pegasi in their wings. As mentioned in the chapter, magic is produced in the heart, which is the center of the fairy string network.
Some other species, such as griffons and changelings, also have fairy string networks, though their magic manifests differently. Zebras, minotaurs, and donkeys make due with other forms of magic. Nopony quite knows what dragons have.
4780741 I guess we figured out why Megan couldn't handle a potion then, no Fairy Strings to properly transport the magic internally.
Not necessarily, since potions work just fine for the zebras that make them. Humans are just one of those rare species that can't handle magic.
Ah, it's different for me. I don't think I've ever actually known a person who's personality has changed based on something happening to them. Which isn't always a good thing, but it's led to me finding people more rigid.
I did say rarely. But those kind of episodes are why a long term bad attitude just doesn't feel natural to me.
I see attitudes and personalities as being separate things. Personality can change with a very significant event, and even then it'll take quite a bit of time. However, I look at the Crusaders having less of a personality change than an attitude change. Their outlook has changed more than how they live.
It all depends on the person, their outlook, and the choices they make. I'd say that the Mane Six have had better luck with all of those, principally because they're willing to open up easier, and if not, they have a bunch of friends who'll just be there (Dodge Junction, for starters). Although, our favorite ponies seem like fairly well-adjusted individuals all around, I'll give you that.
Maybe I just have a fixation on dysfunctional individuals?
Well, looks like somepony never grew up! Why does Discord never hit the bad ponies with his mental whammy and make them see how despicable they are??????
I love the Crusaders interacting, they may have grown up and apart a bit, but their bonds are still strong and I almost feel sorry for anypony who messes with them!
Probably because Fluttershy and/or Celestia would raise a stink about it.
Anyone and anything! They're tons of fun to get together. I'm having a blast writing them.
4791243 Really? They'd complain because a pony was learning the magic of friendship and kindness???
Especially if they were changed back to normal and screamed, "OH SWEET CELESTIA, I AM SUCH A MORON!" and turned their life around??? 

They'd prefer not to encourage any behavior with the potential to toss a pony's mind like a Caesar salad.
Free will is something you don't want to publicly scramble, you see. It's unseemly and rude. 
4791655 What if she says, "Do your worst!" to Discord? She's basically asking him to hit her with the mind mixer upper!
In that case, the court would probably rule in Discord's favor. There is such a thing as self-defense, after all.
4791798 *Pulls out big book of rules* I refer the court to the section entitled Murphy's Law. (And admit it, you can see Discord doing that, can't you???)
Oh yes. He's had practice being a lawyer under my pen, after all.
Besides Murphy's Law, there's Discord's Addendum: Anything that can go wrong, should go wrong.
4791845 And you just know that he'd do Phoneix Wright style objections, declarations, and actions complete with the giant text bubbles. And when they asked for order in the court, he can either order some food or say, "Sorry, God of Chaos, can't do Order!"
Not an improvement from normally looking like a feather, huh?
So, even as teenagers they're still doing the thing where they get advice and it goes in one ear and out the other?
In my mind's eye, they're both adorable.
Heck, I'm willing to bet that it's worse when they're teenagers!
Really liking this story so far! A bit curious on why Scootaloo has a butterfly cutie mark rather than something to do with her scooter tricks. Unless it does represent that somehow. Also why is Sweetie Belle making designs rather than singing? Still, very nice story
Thank you! That's awesome to hear.
Like most cutie marks, hers is an abstraction that, instead of singling out a single talent, basically covers the core of who she is. We'll dig deeper into that in a few chapters.
We just haven't seen her sing much, yet. Her talent lies with that, but her profession is following in her sister's hoofsteps.
Both in "Sisterhooves Social," and "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils," Sweetie tries to copy her sister in the fashion scene. I figure that if she still wants to do that, she's got time to practice. We'll see her sing more later.