How do I even? · 6:58pm Oct 27th, 2015
This is my first blog post, so it won't be anything fancy, just a post to put a plate on and call it a table.
This should provide for enough entertainment until my game has finished its installation.
So ....I'm basically stalling for installation...time.
Wrighting down anything that comes to mind, trying hard to not think of Celestia's behind, searching for something to write until I find, the thing that first comes to mind.
Oh, game is done, well enough for today.
1157014 If it means anything, You have my support in all that you do.
Oh hey fluffle pu...
>mlrw suddenly Fluffle Puff
1154202 nope, why don't you give us a link and we will check it out
1149653 Oh Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawds!
Wait... does this mean the Fluffle Puff has read my story?
1152579 fluffle puff is everywhere