• Member Since 18th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 13th, 2021



On the English language · 1:47pm Feb 10th, 2012

I like English. I didn't grow up with it as my primary language, but I've grown to prefer it over my native tongue.
That is not to say that I dislike being able to speak two languages with ease; why would I? It's just a preference, albeit one that causes no end of raised eyebrows whenever I mention it. So let me explain:

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Report dragozon · 918 views ·
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Yeah, I'm not really active anymore.

Wow, you don't provide much activity. Anyways, have your third page comment.

Yes, my opinions on spiced bread are quite nice. I'm glad you agree.

Woohoo for random people watching you. *dane time*

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