I have just fallen victim to an accident involving dimension travel. Now I am a pony, living a life similar, yet vastly different from my old one. I'm being thrown into adventures, though they may be just ordinary days. It's crazy when you think about it. Between meeting old and new friends, figuring out what happened to send me here, and uncovering a hidden secret involving the ponies of this realm, I've got my hooves full.
I just want to go home. Someone, please help me.
Written, proofread, edited, and cover by myself.
Shisno, if I am not mistaken that is what Gary/gamma calls humans in red vs blue.
This right here is the kind of story I love reading keep it up.
2309832 YES! THANK YOU!
2309895 No problem and I will continue to track watch *cough*stalk*cough* you. Unless you totally fuck up the story I won't go anywhere.
2309915 It depends on your definition of "fuck up" as I clearly stated, everything is a matter of opinion to me. I try to keep the shisnos happy though.
2310307 You have given me the most interesting comment I've ever recieved. That makes me want to go back and finish the stories I have on Fanfiction, as it has been at least a year since a couple of them have been updated. But this character is ME, in every sense of the term but the obvious. It isn't based on my personality, it IS my personality. Sorry I couldn't reply to you in poem form.
2310882 I wouldn't say I'm THAT clinical... I just have an eye for detail, though it can be hard for me to put it into words sometimes. I always try my best to deal with what I'm given though, and with me, you're always surprised.
I do, though, ask myself how he didn't noticed when he, or she, was on the toilet...
2312061 A: I tangented to distract myself.
B: I always sit anyways. Don't question it.
2309929 I'm not saying it but I really hate the word shisno.
2312190 Oh, sorry... Well, I hope you still like the story
2312298 I don't think you could get me to stop reading unless you did a shitty job of writing this story and even then I don't think I would stop reading.
2312575 I'm glad I have you interested.
2312651 And I'm glad you've interested me I've been looking for a new story to read.
2312950 That's the thing about alternate universes. They can be so unpredictable. Let's be grateful it isn't a dangerous universe. It gives our friend time to get aquainted with everything, though still not at the pace she wants.
2313036 Exactly. There are lots of things going on under the hood. Some good , some bad , and some absolutely crazy ! This universe has more to throw though, so stick around!
2313075 Right, and that's not just because I glued you to your seat.
2314200 A cat? Who ever said that?
Another good chapter and I agree with samaru163 the part where the character is learning about his new body is one of the best parts.
2314585 I can't delve to deep into detail. My mind doesn't work like that. My vocabulary isn't that big, and I struggle to get thoughts across. However, being a teenager, I can get away with it sometimes. This story expresses what would be my every thought, unless I'm just carving up blanks, or I feel the pace is too slow. But getting to know the new body, and any emotional or mental changes will make things difficult for both of us. Not to mention our friend Sunshine has no current plan, and that is bad for her. It exposes her to mental breakdown. But, friends do come from unexpected places.
Also, I want a cover for this story badly, but have no idea how to make one or who would be nice enough for me to ask.
2314729 I'm sorry to say that I couldn't help you with getting a cover since I don't know how to either.
2314767 I do have a little expeience in PiRL pictures (see avatar) but I'd be dealing with a custom pony here. Not to mention a custom cutie mark, which I have no idea how to draw. I have no experience in OC art, though... I do know someone who does.
2314824 I have a friend or two that should be able to draw it.
2314840 See, you do have an idea. I don't want pictures regarding Sunshine's every action, just one or two. I think I went into enough detail on her looks, didn't I?
2314860 yes I have a basic picture of what she looks like but any detail about her will help. Also if you want me to get a picture you are going to have to tell me what kind of pose you want and things like that.
Oh and can you go into a bit more detail about her cutie mark?
2314893 Well she's yellow. her mane and tail is styled like Rainbow Dash's, but a bit more even around the edges. Probably a bit of Twilight's mane/tail style around the edges. Her mane/tail is a dark cyan color with two pink stripes Her eyes have the same dark cyan color, and her eyes are the same style as Pinkie Pie. Her cutie mark is a sun with a few rays of pale yellow sunshine coming from it. She is also a pegasus. Is that enough detail? As for a pose... a surprised pose would be good. Oh, and if I could get a simple background, like one would do for a pony vector, I can handle the background.
2314963 I'm not sure how much cutie mark details you want...
2315058 Ok one last question, do you want it drawn or made on a computer?
2315103 well, computer made has a higher level of quality (unless its made using MS paint) but beggars can't be choosers, only suggestioners. If possible, computer.
2315114 alright I will get it done as soon as I can.
2315124 Thank you. No pressure. I'm not in a superdy duperdy hurry.
2315131 By plain background, would a white one work?
2315256 yeah, a white one would be preferable. by the way, how do you plan on getting this picture to me once its done?
2315285 Probley send you a link or something, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there for now I am just trying to find a picture that matches your discription to make the cutie mark.
But I do have to say sunshine is taking this very calmly.
2315319 good luck finding one. I think your best bet is to find a preexisting sun and modify it slightly.
2315322 I often tend to overthink and yet underthink things, and not think things through, so Sunshine may just be "winging it" in order to stay calm and rational. Once things hit closer to home, she'll start feeling the effects. Maybe after something to eat though...
2315379 Well that's up to you, it's your story. Ok I finished sunshine and am trying to send it to you.
2315394 how'd ya finish so fast? It would take me hours to make something like that... unless you used paint...
2315394 Ah, I see now. Makes perfect sense...
2315488 Got to head to bed so I should be able to send it to you some time tomorrow.
2315488 Actually the avatar I have is sunshine so you can look at it if you like or copy paste or something.
2315528 do you have a cutie mark on there? I cant see it. the picture is too small.
2315528 If you can get me a picture of just the cutie mark, I have an approprate model for me to get to work on.
Sorry but, i'm must unfortunatly say that i'm going to be one of people disliking the story- I'm sorry! Please however read what I have to say thought! I have a few reasons.
First foremost, I should start with the positives. The spelling and gammar is top notch, so all is good without having to try to deciper words or trying to understand the context of the sentence. Whoever does the spellcheck/editing did exellent work. The latter parts of the chapter 2 dialogue was clear as to who was talking and gave the important detail of a name. I am also aware of the fact that this story was inspired by First Pony View. That coming with it's own positives, being that anyone who read FPV may alos be interested in reading this story as well. But . . . That also leaves it's own set of negatives as well.
The story plots are suspiciously too similar. Both being mares and generally disliking the fact. Streaks of pink in mane. Believeing they are in a dream, only to be proven wrong. Even the methods of realizations is very similar through the usage of phyical pain. But there is one tibit that is more evident then the plot details. It's the tone. Going off tangent can be interesting to read to a certain degree, but without a clear goal in mind, all it is, is just rambling. In the first chapter, its not particularly obvious where you were going. Like there's no set task in mind. Which is a problem, because even when we don't have anything to do, we still have a set goal. I think you might have been trying for characterization.
I suggest creating a prologue before chapter 1 that will be the base guideline to direct the story in your choice. As for the similarities of this fic to the parent/inspiration fic, I suggest diverging soon.
I believe thats all I wanted to say. And also, if this was just an experiment for the sake of writing, I hope I helped in someway! Good luck writing teh story!
2318885 I appreciate your review and input, and I also appreciate your compliment about the spell check/editing (which was all me btw), but yes, it will diverge soon. I want to keep Sunshine more active and ongoing than what FPV did. I also have more of a plot going, but we're getting to that. As for tangenting/rambling, that's something I usually do, considering this character is a direct ripoff of my personality, with a few minor changes. I don't think things through, which will come back to hit me later in every way. I'll try to lower tangenting, but in the end, this will play out differently to FPV, dispite the similar problems. Still, I can't please everyone, and I don't blame you for disliking, but I've already planned far enough ahead.
AMAZING I love twist ending you awesome writer you!!
2321734 Well I can't exactly do backstory that well, since these are characters that Sunshine is supposed to know, but really doesn't. I do, however, sense something going on behind the scenes, dont you?