• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2018


I'm a guy who only likes MLP fan fiction. Tried watching the show, couldn't get through three episodes.


Feedback · 2:08pm Nov 20th, 2016

So, I'm in the middle of writing a Therapist sequel. I obviously have my own ideas on what should happen, but I also want to know what you guys are expecting or want in that sequel. More dark stories from random ponies? Maybe more focus on our protagonist and his now budding relationships and should things get a little durty? There are no wrong answers, well kinda since I already started, but let me know what you guys are thinking about.

Report durtydan · 455 views · Story: The Therapist ·
Comments ( 3 )
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I could totally dig a sequel to 'The Therapist'. It was a damn good story.

Your story THE THERAPIST is for now the best one. It was great. I am following you to see more of it. The dark side of ponies, where there is not always sunshine and rainbows.

Hello there! Welcome to FIMFiction.:pinkiesmile:

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