• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2020


I am not proud of what I do but sometimes it must be done.


oh gosh · 1:52pm Feb 1st, 2014

its been over a year but now CLOPPY PASTA has 11k hits which is amazng, thank you:pinkiehappy:

also I notice a new video read of it

I like this one. it sounds pretty good, the reader voice is good:pinkiesmile:

i am not believe how many people read this story

Report NotProud · 524 views · Story: CLOPPY PASTA ·

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Stand Proud

Its fine was just a suggestion for luna but she sounds good too.:trixieshiftright:

I think CLOPPY PASTA is a terrible story so I wrote two

I have been much busy to write

i want to write Twixie clopfic next Im not sure what to do about Luna though sorry:pinkiesad2:

And one more thing are you still writing? And if you arent i strongly urge you too you have a wonderful writing style and a suggestion for your topic luna humanized on earth. I know its been done many times but i want to see how you think it would go down.

And one more thing are you still writing? And if you arent the i strongly urge you too you have a wonderful writing style and a suggestion for your topic luna humanized on earth. I know its been done many times but i want to see how you think it would go down.

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