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Twilight Sparkle has never really gotten around to figuring out just how similar the two worlds where her friends exist are. Applejack really wishes she had done so sooner.
Fluttershy had a plan to tell Rainbow Dash her true feelings, and this time she wouldn't back down. Everything would be perfect. It had to be. Rainbow deserved the best, after all.
Creating an outfit for a magician is an intimate process. Rarity never knew this. But then, she comes to find there are a lot of things she never knew once she takes on a commission from The Great and Powerful Trixie.
Faced with a holiday alone in her wagon, Trixie hatches a plan to change her circumstances. All it will take is getting a tiny little invitation from Starlight. Isn't that what friends are for?
An Expedition to the Crystal ForestRainbow Dash and Rarity join Fluttershy on her latest expedition to an uninhabited island. Things soon take a turn, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are forced to resolve the scars of their past while confronting a mysterious and capricious Doubt
54,290 words
· 56 · 7
TamagotchiSonata can't believe her luck when she finds an original Tamagotchi at her favorite thrift store. Then things spiral horribly out of Doubt
5,384 words
· 27 · 3
2678170 I was going to take a break from writing for a while after one of my stories finished. It was comments like this that made me come back so quickly. I know what you mean. I started writing because reading fics wasn't the stress relief it once was. I decided I wanted to write the stories I couldn't find, and doing it made reading fun again too. So I'm glad I can put that spark back into you. Btw, you are totally getting a follow since this site doesn't had the ability to friend people
2677691 I'm glad I could make your morning. As it stands, I've read 276 fics and currently 15 have made it on my "The Best" shelf. Over the last couple years, I've fallen out of love with reading pony fanfiction, but your story was a reminder of why that number is as high as it is, and why I still come back.
Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!
Admiral Snuggles appreciates your support
If you ever feel down or need anything, feel free to come to me.
Not sure it's ok to fav a story you had such a heavy hand in creating, but I'm take it anyway
I got another one on "the best"!!!. Today is gonna be a good day.
Hey man, glad you liked when did this happen too
Glad you liked prom protector. Get ready for a Merry Christmas in about an hour
Thanks, I appreciate that a lot.
I was going to take a break from writing for a while after one of my stories finished. It was comments like this that made me come back so quickly. I know what you mean. I started writing because reading fics wasn't the stress relief it once was. I decided I wanted to write the stories I couldn't find, and doing it made reading fun again too. So I'm glad I can put that spark back into you.
Btw, you are totally getting a follow since this site doesn't had the ability to friend people
I'm glad I could make your morning. As it stands, I've read 276 fics and currently 15 have made it on my "The Best" shelf. Over the last couple years, I've fallen out of love with reading pony fanfiction, but your story was a reminder of why that number is as high as it is, and why I still come back.
Thank you so much for the fav on greatest fear. And I'm very flattered to have it put on a shelf called "the best". You just made my morning.