• Member Since 10th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen July 11th


I draw smut and I code stuffs, I am not good at writing stories so don't expect much (if any) literature from me :Y


Hello, I am ZippySqrl.
I am not a writer, but in time I might have a go at writing something maybe probably.

I may not write, but I art! You can find my art by googling my username.
I'm also a game designer, programmer, Animator, 3D modeller, and other things, but that's another story.

Favourite pony is The Great And Powerful Trixie


Sign Stories · 3:17am Jan 22nd, 2019

Sign Stories:

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Following on from Lecherous Luncheon, she makes a brief appearance in Chapter 2 of This story:

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Report ZippySqrl · 511 views · #Sign
Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

Yeah I can respect that. A different idea came in my head just recently as well, so I have changed my mind about using Sign.

I'm rather strict about keeping stories with my characters within a minimal range of deviation for what I consider to be canonical. so you'd have to elaborate (in PM's), though it's very unlikely I'll accept tbh.
(Lilith isn't mine, btw)

Can I use Sign and Lilith in a story I’m writing? Not clop, but a more outlandish fetish.

How did ya did all of this?

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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